(For more details, see Methodology.). For our analysis of Americans views of news coverage, we group respondents by their news media diet. A majority of nonvoters in 2016 (55%) were Democrats or Democratic leaners, compared with about four-in-ten (41%) who were Republicans or leaned toward the Republican Party. That stands in stark contrast to the 19% of stories with a negative assessment from outlets with left-leaning audiences and about a quarter of stories (24%) from outlets with a mixed audience. The global water storage systems market is likely to reach value of USD 24.36 Billion by 2027, according to a current analysis by Emergen Research. Roughly two-thirds of Trump voters (68%) said they voted in person, either on (38%) or before (30%) Election Day. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Many people subjected to this policy often referred to by its shorthand, Title 42 have been stranded in or expelled to dangerous conditions in Mexico, or else swiftly returned to the unstable and sometimes life-threatening realities at home that many of them risked life and limb to escape. Overall, about one-in-five U.S. adults (22%) said that at the time of the survey they had been following news about Biden very closely, with another 44% following it fairly closely. About Comparing early news coverage of Biden with that of past administrations among a smaller mix of outlets, 4. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Two of the questions were correctly answered by large majorities of Americans: a question about the proposed increased national minimum wage (81% correctly answered $15 an hour) and a question about the number of doses required for the COVID-19 vaccines approved in the U.S. (69% correctly answered that the number of doses required varies depending on the vaccine).4. In outlets with a more mixed audience, the coverage of the Biden administration was also mixed: 25% of the stories had a positive assessment, 24% had a negative one and 51% were neither positive nor negative. Racial inequality is the topic that the highest percentage of Americans say is getting too much attention (36%), though the sense overall is divided, with 28% saying the issue is getting too little attention and 35% saying the level of coverage given to racial inequality is about right.3. Biden responded by attacking Trump for not having a clear health-care plan, despite promising that he would unveil it. This right-oriented group was also about twice as likely as the left-oriented group to have heard a lot about immigration reform efforts (45% vs. 21%). During his tenure, Mr. Trump has: Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which in part lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. In addition to the analysis of the media coverage of the early days of the Biden administration, this project, for the first time, includes a survey component designed to study Americans sense of the news coverage of the new administration based on their different media diets. Biden, by contrast, has stopped holding migrant families in Ice detention, so far. However, since the Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden's dipped below his predecessor . The presidents management and political approach. Voters believe Biden will bring respect back to the presidency and to our country. Notably, Boomers and Silents (and the very small number of voters from the Greatest Generation) made up less than half of the electorate in 2020 (44%), compared with just over half in both 2016 and 2018. As some states looked to adapt to challenges in administering elections amid the COVID-19 pandemic, large numbers of voters were offered expanded access to absentee and vote-by-mail options in the 2020 election. But while the percentage of Biden stories with an overall negative assessment (32%) modestly outnumbered the share with positive assessments (23%), stories with negative assessments of Trump outnumbered those with positive assessments by four-to-one (44% to 11%). 2. The Swing Voter Project contacts voters who voted in the 2012 and 2016 elections in key swing states. Biden received a solid majority of votes among urban residents (66% overall), but Trump gained among urbanites relative to his performance in 2016 (33% in 2020, 24% in 2016). This report includes two main elements: A content analysis of news coverage of the first 60 days of the Biden administration by 25 major news outlets, which can be compared with early coverage of the Trump administration and previous administrations dating back to 1993; and a survey of 12,045 U.S. adults conducted March 8-14, 2021, as part of . News coverage of President Joe Bidens early days in office was modestly more negative than positive, and most of the stories were centered around his ideology and policy agenda rather than his character and leadership a contrast with coverage of former President Donald Trump at the start of his administration, according to a new Pew Research Center study that examines media coverage of the new administration. White women, a group sometimes categorized as swing voters and who broke nearly evenly in 2016 (47% for Trump to 45% for Clinton), favored him in 2020 (53% to 46%). Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. In the 2018 election, Democrats substantially narrowed the gap with men (50% of men voted for Democratic candidates, 48% for Republican candidates) while maintaining an 18-point lead among women. But there's more to be worried about: The . Within a news story, the statements from the sources cited as well as the reporters own language determine the overall assessment of the Biden administration. This survey was conducted March 8-14, 2021, before the fatal shooting of six Asian women and two other people in the Atlanta area on March 16 and before the trial of Derek Chauvin began on March 29. Stories were collected from television, radio, digital and print outlets and coded by a team of nine coders trained specifically for this project. Trump . Most also say the coverage has been largely fair rather than unfair (76% vs. 21%) and accurate rather than inaccurate (69% vs. 26%). Wizbang is a registered service mark. Biden has soft advantages here, but these threats could keep Trump from winning critical independents and moderates in the election if he ignore them. The Center has also conducted similar analyses for the early months of the four prior administrations: those of Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. In 2020, 31% of Trump voters had at least a four-year college degree similar to the share of Trump voters who had a college degree in 2016. We compare and contrast. White non-Hispanic Catholics were more supportive of Biden (at 42%) than they had been of Clinton in 2016 (31%), but Trump still captured a solid majority of their votes (57%). Among independents and those who affiliated with other parties, Biden led Trump by 52%-43%. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Trump is at 28.44% compared to Biden at 7.71% a difference of 20.72%. Meanwhile, White men with a four-year college degree have become increasingly supportive of Democratic candidates, breaking close to evenly in 2016 (47% for Clinton, 44% for Trump) but supporting Biden by a 10-point margin in 2020. The Trump administration invoked Title 42 ostensibly as a public health measure during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic and used it to quickly expel hundreds of thousands of people including nearly 16,000 unaccompanied children. Gen Z is defined here as voters born between 1997 and 2002, Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996, Gen Xers were born between 1965 and 1980, Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, and members of the Silent Generation were born between 1928 and 1945. Within the Protestant tradition, White evangelicals accounted for 19% of all voters, but a much higher share of Trumps voters (34%). But support for Biden among the unaffiliated was not quite as lopsided as Trumps support among White evangelicals (a 45-point margin for Biden among the unaffiliated vs. a 69-point margin for Trump among White evangelicals). From January to August 2021 Biden's approval rating averaged 10-13 points higher than President Trump's during the same time period in his presidency. With less than a month until Election Day, Joe Biden maintains his lead over Donald Trump in the presidential race. William A.. Both Trump and Biden were able to bring new voters into the political process in 2020. NASDAQ Comparison Chart DOW JONES Comparison Chart Voters think Biden may stabilize the country Editors: Warner Todd Huston, Rick, David Robertson, Doug Johnson, DJ Drummond, Michael Laprarie, Baron Von Ottomatic, Shawn Mallow, Dan Karipides, Michael Avitablile, Charlie Quidnunc, Steve Schippert, Comment Section Editors: Maggie Whitton, Rodney Graves, Emeritus: Jay Tea, Lorie Byrd, Kim Priestap, Paul, Mary Katherine Ham, Jim Addison, Alexander K. McClure, Cassy Fiano, Bill Jempty, John Stansbury, Rob Port. Americans differ by news diet on which Biden administration issues get too much coverage, which get too little, 7. Three-quarters of those who get their news only from outlets with right-leaning audiences say the subject of racial equality gets too much attention, far more than among those with a mixed-audience media diet (41%) and a left-only diet (13%). The Center has analyzed news coverage of the beginning of each of the five presidential administrations since President Bill Clinton in 1993. Now on to Trumps strengths, according to the voters: Voters think Trump did a great job with the economy with record low unemployment before the pandemic, and now were making a comeback A SWOT analysis of Trump vs. Clinton Opinion Jul 08, 2016 Analytics Government Competitive assessment takes the publicly known attributes of a product and compares it to its competition.. Among other types of sources, though, there were some shifts in the rate at which they made their way into stories. Reflecting these differences, Trump performed much better among voters who cast their ballots in person on Election Day (65% for Trump vs. 33% for Biden). While the structure of the analysis and specific outlets studied have evolved with the media landscape (an abbreviated long-term trend can be found here), the 2017 study of news coverage of the early days of the Trump presidency and this 2021 study of Biden are very similar in methodology, allowing for a direct comparison of most measures. When it comes to the tone of coverage, both new administrations received more negative assessments than positive assessments of their activities. One other key difference was that in 2017 the new presidents political skills was the most covered topic, while it ranked fifth in 2021. Zero,". Biden received the support of 92% of Black voters, nearly the same as Clinton received in 2016 and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House received in 2018. A majority of absentee voters said they had previously voted this way before the 2020 election (56%). U.S.-Russia relations was a leading topic in 2017, but not in 2021, while the economy was the leading 2021 topic but not among the top five in 2017. People were then organized into five media diet groups based on the audience of the outlets they frequent. Americans who get news only from outlets with right-leaning audiences were most likely to say they had heard a lot about Bidens use of executive orders (79%), nearly twice the share among those who turn only to outlets with left-leaning audiences (42%). And now, new policies are being admonished by advocates and even some serving Democrats for seemingly plagiarizing Trumps very own playbook, without meaningful input from Congress or organizations on the ground. Voters do not like the violence and rioting occurring with the protests, especially since Democrats like Biden say nothing about it It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Outlets with right-leaning audiences presented a primarily negative view of the new Biden administration. Biden, by contrast, drew strong support from religiously unaffiliated voters atheists, agnostics, and those who say their religion is nothing in particular. Together, these voters made up 25% of voters, which is a slightly larger share of the total electorate than White evangelicals (19%). Many Americans say early media assessments of Biden administration were mostly positive, fair and accurate, 6. Given the unusual circumstances of the Trump-Biden transition, with Trump still contesting the election results, it is perhaps unsurprising that Trump himself was mentioned in about half the stories about the new Biden administration. Trump gets credit from some voters for de-escalating tensions with Iran even as he confronts Iranian nuclear misconduct To be sure, Hispanic voters are not a monolith; there is substantial diversity within the Hispanic electorate. Or, such a story could be framed around the evaluation of the president in terms of his outreach to and relationship with members of Congress, which would then be coded as leadership and character. Trump took 43% to Biden's 37%. Younger voters also made up an outsize share of these voters: Those under age 30 made up 38% of new or irregular 2020 voters, though they represented just 15% of all 2020 voters. The high-stakes showdown between Dominion Voting Systems and Fox News finally commences in earnest Tuesday when the $1.6 billion defamation trial begins, shining a spotlight on Fox's election . While the topic of the economy was covered more by outlets with a left-leaning audience, a large majority of Americans, regardless of their media diet, report hearing a lot about the passage of the economic stimulus bill in the news. Donald Trump Victim Goes on MSNBC and CNN .. to Defend Trump! Now he's implementing system-level changes to make progressive policies permanent. . Among those who voted for Clinton and Trump in 2016, similar shares of each about nine-in-ten also turned out in 2020, and the vast majority remained loyal to the same party in the 2020 presidential contest. It also draws on surveys conducted among 10,640 panelists from Nov. 7-16, 2018, after the midterm election that year and 4,183 panelists from Nov. 29 to Dec. 12, 2016, after the general election. Researchers coded stories from the 25 news outlets with content pulled from more than 45 specific programs or websites for a number of measures: Topic:News stories were first coded as being about one of 47 specific topicsor storylines (the most prominent topic within each story was coded as the storys overall topic). One similarity in coverage of the two most recent administrations has been the main source cited in news stories: Just as the Trump administration was by far the most cited source in news stories soon after Trump became president (cited in 74% of stories), so is the Biden administration the most cited source now (82%). The pandemic has allowed Biden not only to attack Trump with a bogus but emotionally powerful charge, but also to hide in his basement literally from serious criticism. Joe Biden is leading President Donald Trump by double-digits among registered voters, according to a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College. All rights reserved. Voters in the swing states have said that if protests continue right up to the election, that hurts Trumps chances of re-election At the other end of the generational spectrum, members of the Silent and Greatest generations (born 1945 and earlier) fell from 16% of all voters in 2016 to just 8% in 2020, but their turnout rates remained among the highest of all generations. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, highest-turnout midterm election in decades, emerged in the 2004 presidential election, Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement, Demographic profiles of Trump and Biden voters, Voting methods in the 2020 presidential election, A voter data resource: Detailed demographic tables about verified voters in 2016, 2018, What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion, Interactive map: The changing racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S. electorate, In Changing U.S. Electorate, Race and Education Remain Stark Dividing Lines, In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same, Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Key facts as India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country, Americans Are Critical of Chinas Global Role as Well as Its Relationship With Russia. For more details, see the methodology. Biden has made a lot of verbal blunders of late, which makes him look mentally troubled (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax By contrast, Trump garnered the support of 65% of rural voters, including 71% of White rural voters; the latter represented an increase over the 62% he received among this group in 2016. The economy and health care were at the top, each accounting for about 20% of total coverage. Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of April, Weekend Caption Contest Week of April 14,, Trump, History and the Survival of America, Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of March, Weekend Caption Contest Week of March 24,. If elected, Biden may not serve all four years In 2020, they were 8% of the total, though their lower rate of turnout compared with older age cohorts is reflected in the fact that they were 15% of eligible nonvoters. Voters as a group were considerably older than nonvoters. In contrast, rural voters were more likely to report voting in person on Election Day. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you consent to this usage. Across the 25 news outlets studied, five broad topics accounted for two-thirds (67%) of all the coverage related to the Biden administration. Voters think Bidens the alternative to President Trump, the lesser of two evils.. Biden looks stupid for attacking monuments and historical figures who are long gone Yet even as Biden tries to clean up Trumps mess, de facto family separations continue. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main The coronavirus was very prevalent throughout coverage in the outlets with left-leaning and mixed audiences, with the economy as the top specific topic area. After such public vitriol and humanitarian scandals, Joe Biden billed himself as the anti-Trump candidate who would restore honor and decency to the presidency, partly by building a fair and humane immigration system. So how is it, with these comments, that Biden is leading in the polls, and Trump seems almost desperate? On the other hand, former Vice President Joe Biden has a different opinion. Vaccine distribution was the one storyline the groups with media diets on the left or tending left had heard considerably more about than the right-only or tend-right groups. News outlets with right-leaning audiences used fewer types of sources than those with left-leaning or mixed audiences, 3. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. Asian Americans (a relatively small but fast-growing group in the U.S.) made up 4% of voters and an identical share of nonvoting citizens (note: nonvoters in this analysis do not include noncitizens). Trumps cabinet appears dishonest. White non-evangelical Protestants voted for Trump over Biden by a 14-point margin (57%-43%), while Black Protestants were an overwhelmingly Democratic group (91% voted for Biden). Voters broadly want a national discussion on race, but they dislike having politicians running that discussion or setting the rules for it College graduates made up 39% of all voters in 2020 (about the same as in 2016) but only 17% of nonvoters. Trump is seen as the law & order candidate while Democrats are seen as hurting our safety Today, 52% of registered voters say that if the election were held today, they would cast their vote for Biden; a smaller share of registered voters say they would cast their ballot for Trump . The high-stakes defamation trial of Dominion Voting Systems vs. Fox News got underway in earnest, as attorneys sifted through potential jurors Tuesday a dozen at a time and were expected to seat a . Overall, 58% of Trump voters were Protestant, compared with just 35% of Biden voters. Democrats fret about the prospects of Vice President Kamala Harris should Biden not stand, after her misfiring 2020 primary bid and her uneven performance in office over the last two years.. One difference to note in the Trump-Biden comparison is that the 2017 study covered the first 100 days of the administration, while this years study covers only the first 60 days. At the same time, the outlets with right-leaning audiences were much more likely to cite other journalists and media outlets (35% of stories, versus 17% of stories from outlets with left-leaning audiences and 15% in mixed-audience outlets). There was virtually no difference in the frequency of those mentions across outlets with left-leaning audiences (50% of stories), outlets with right-leaning audiences (47% of stories) and outlets with a mixed audience (47% of stories). In 2016, White, non-college women supported Trump by a margin of 56% to 33%. Additionally, coverage of the early days of the Biden administration focused more on policy and agenda over leadership qualities than any other administration except for Bush. Under Donald Trump, Americans were confronted with a near-constant onslaught of racist, anti-immigrant rhetoric and policy, especially regarding the US-Mexico border, as the same man who led chants about building a wall there won the 2016 presidential election and took control of the Oval Office for the next four years. Trump stands out, while Bidens never done anything to stand out Trumps tweets sometimes hurt his cause and image. The 2020 election brought a huge change in howAmericans cast their ballots. There are four key metrics in examining the medias coverage of the early days of a new administration: the topics of those stories, the assessments of the administration, and the framing and the sources used. As was the case in the 2016 and 2018 elections, the Democratic voting coalition in 2020 looked quite different from the Republican coalition in several respects. What these comments have in common, is that Trumps style and manner cause him to hurt his image. (Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images) This aligns with the content analysis, which found that the economy and health care were the two leading topics for the period studied (see Chapter 1). It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. In 2020, suburban voters made up a majority of Bidens coalition (55%); 28% of his voters said they lived in urban areas and 17% were from rural areas. Others die trying to circumvent closed-off points of entry. On balance, these shifts helped Biden a little more than Trump. This is important because The impeachment put a bad taste in the mouth of voters who now apply that to new conditions Protestants made up a majority of those voting Republican in 2020, just as they did in 2016. Preferences were more evenly divided among those who cast their ballots in person ahead of Election Day: 52% voted for Trump while 47% voted for Biden. Voters believe Trump opposes regulations that slow down our economy The survey respondents in this study are grouped according to the audience makeup of outlets they turned to for political news in the past week. Under the practice, migrants can be swiftly repatriated without ever seeing a judge. One noteworthy feature of the 2020 election was the wide education gap among Hispanic voters. The COVID-19 pandemic has been such a pervasive part of recent news that its presence in coverage was measured separately. And rural voters remain a significantly larger portion of the Republican electorate. The corporate tax cut is projected to lower tax revenues by $2 . Voters who were unaffiliated with any religious tradition (atheists, agnostics and those who describe themselves as nothing in particular) made up 35% of Biden voters but just 14% of Trump voters in 2020. Its unclear what Biden has done in the past 40+ years to help heal race issues Trump runs his mouth too much (but he gets the job done) Urban and suburban voters were considerably more likely than rural voters to say they cast their ballot by mail (50% of urban and suburban vs. 35% of rural voters). The current study is comprised of two components, an analysis of media content and a survey analysis. "How does this offering support the company's mission and objectives?" Ask how the product or service will directly support and enhance the company's mission and strategic objectives. Unaccompanied children are exempt from Title 42, so some parents make the difficult choice to send their kids across the border alone, even when that means indefinite time apart. But when the number of people crossing into the US from Mexico without authorization swiftly increased, his more tempered tactics became a political liability, giving Republicans fuel to spin false yet convincing to some narratives about an open and mismanaged border. COVID-19 focus: In this study, each story was assessed for the extent to which COVID-19 was mentioned as part of the story. That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 (57% to 40%). Trump received the votes of 97% of conservative Republicans and leaners but a smaller majority (79%) of Republicans who describe themselves as moderate or liberal. "There's no way he can protect preexisting conditions. About a quarter of these (6% of all 2020 voters) showed up two years later in 2018 to cast ballots in the highest-turnout midterm election in decades. While Bidens popular vote differential was an improvement over Hillary Clintons 2016 2-point advantage, it was not as resounding as congressional Democrats 9-point advantage over Republicans in votes cast in the 2018 elections for the U.S. House of Representatives. Most of the qualities in my analysis come directly from voter responses by voters contacted by the Swing Voter Project, a series of focus groups contacted from March 2019 to now and all the way to November 2, the day before the election. Pew Research Center has studied news coverage of the start of each new administration since 1993, when Bill Clinton began his presidency. That framing is dramatically different from the coverage of the first few months of the Trump administration four years earlier. One of his campaign statements noted: Most Americans can trace their family history back to a choice a choice to leave behind everything that was familiar in search of new opportunities and a new life. We surveyed 11,818 U.S. adults online in November 2020, 10,640 adults in November 2018 and 4,183 adults in November and December 2016. See Methodology for details. In 2016, about half of Clintons voters described their communities as suburban (48%), while 32% said they were from an urban area and 19% were from a rural area. For example, while the topic of the economy was covered most heavily by outlets with a left-leaning audience, a large majority of Americans, regardless of their media diet, report hearing a lot about the passage of the economic stimulus bill in the news. New polls suggest Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are neck-and-neck as Republicans and Democrats look ahead to 2024. 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