She is at her home and healthy. Singapore banks hold their money. Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, Myanmars commander in chief and the leader of the coup on Feb. 1, is expected to attend the meeting (his first known trip abroad since the takeover). Amnesty International has seen two documents which expose new details about how MEHL finances the military. These documents provide new evidence of how the Myanmar military benefits from MEHLs vast business empire and make clear that the military and MEHL are inextricably linked. But their favouring of their own interests and a handful of family-led conglomerates has undermined economic institutions while pushing out entrepreneurs. According to Thai media reports, during a visit to Thailand in 2012, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, 58, asked General Prem, a symbol of Thailands royalist-military elites, to adopt him as his son, the report said. Min Aung Hlaing had been due to retire in 2016 but delayed it for five years, ostensibly to provide continuity for the transition to the NLD-led government. The shareholder report was shared with Amnesty International by Justice for Myanmar, an activist group that campaigns for justice and accountability for the people of Myanmar. [95], The Government of Canada has imposed sanctions on him since 18 February 2021, pursuant to Special Economic Measures Act and Special Economic Measures (Burma) Regulations, in response to the gravity of the human rights and humanitarian situation in Myanmar (formerly Burma). The UN has called for Min Aung Hlaing, who oversaw the brutal campaign against the Rohingya in 2017, to be investigated and prosecuted for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Do not underestimate the personal ties, either. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the Commander-in-Chief and head of the War Office, is listed as shareholder number 9252. [90], His daughter Khin Thiri Thet Mon founded a major film studio, 7th Sense Creation, in 2017. Min Aung Hlaing passed his matriculation exam in 1972 at BEHS 1 Latha of Rangoon (Yangon). In a speech on Sunday, Min Aung Hlaing repeated a pledge to hold elections by 2023 and said his administration was ready to work with a future regional envoy on Myanmar. In late January 2021 Min Aung Hlaing warned that the constitution could be revoked if laws were not being respected or followed, a statement that alarmed observers. Russia: Anti-war political activist and prisoner of conscience Vladimir Kara-Murza sentenced to 25 years in jail. The contents of the report are being made public on the groups website[1], access to which was blocked in Myanmar on 1 September by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners activist group has accused the armed forces of killing 939 people in suppressing dissent since the coup and said at least 6,990 military opponents have been arrested. The ruling junta, the State Peace and Development Council, engineered its formal departure from power, after holding the 2010 Myanmar general election, which was won by the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), the military's proxy party. And that, to the generals in Myanmar, is the point. The perpetrators of some of the worst human rights violations in Myanmars recent history are among those who benefit from MEHLs business activities. These companies all partner with MEHL in operations inside Myanmar. At 67 years old, Min Aung Hlaing height not available right now. He was following in the footsteps of some of Myanmar's most powerful political figures including his predecessor, Senior General Than Shwe. To be doubly sure, Mr Prayuth also stripped the election commission of independence. Whether one calls the similarities between the rhetoric, methods and goals of the military governments in Myanmar and Thailand echoes, reciprocal inspiration or a feedback loop, they suggest more action in tandem to come and less chance for a return to political liberalization in either country any time soon. [91] The American Embassy, Yangon came under media scrutiny in December 2020, for collaborating with 7th Sense Creation, because Min Aung Hlaing is technically subject to US economic sanctions. Thai generals are brothers with the Myanmar military. (AP Photo/Aung Shine Oo). The military and the USDP asked that the opening of parliament be postponed so that their fraud allegations could be further investigated, but the NLD-led government denied the request. He has been a prominent figure in the armed forces for almost a decade. [33][36] On 3 April 2012, the Government of Myanmar announced that Min Aung Hlaing had been promoted to vice-senior general, the second highest rank in Myanmar's Armed Forces. Nominally it has been a constitutional monarchy since 1932; in reality an absolutist king, in whose name the armed forces speak, holds sway. The total amount of dividend payments made in this 20-year period to all shareholders was more than 107 billion Myanmar kyat (107,869,519,830) about 18 billion US dollars according to the official exchange rate. In spite of the transition to civilian rule, the military still held considerable power, having written the 2008 constitution in a way that allowed it to hold at least 25 percent of the legislative seats, control who could be appointed to head the three most important ministries, and appoint at least one of the three vice president posts from which the president was elected. Presenter Charlie Ross and experts Raj Bisram and Stephanie Connell were at the Warehouse Antiques and Min Aung Hlaing also said his administration would work with any special envoy named by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). (Image: Newsquest) A King's Lynn antique centre and an aviation academy in Norwich have featured on BBC One's Bargain Hunt. His junta, and now government, proceeded to quell protests and silence the political opposition by exploiting existing polarization within the public, notably between the monarchists and supporters of populist former prime ministers, and by re-engineering the political system the Constitution, Parliament, the courts to further entrench the militarys power. Gen Min Aung Hlaing, 64, initiated the coup on Monday and has since been appointed Myanmars leader for the next year. Min Aung Hlaing was born on 3 July, 1956 in Dawei, Myanmar (Burma), is a Burmese general. Right Rasta have written everything about his information in this article. [74], The UNHRC reported that Min Aung Hlaing's soldiers have been deliberately targeting civilians in Northern states of Myanmar and have been committing systemic discrimination and human rights violations against minority communities in Rakhine State. 5 things to know", "Myanmar supreme general pays last respects to Prem", "Min Aung Hlaing Appointed Vice-Senior General", "Could Min Aung Hlaing's retirement break the political deadlock? Februar 2021, als die neue Legislaturperiode des Parlaments beginnen sollte, verkndete das Militr einen Ausnahmezustand von einem These are: Ever Flow River Group Public Co., Ltd, (EFR), a Myanmar logistics company; Kanbawza Group (KBZ), a Myanmar conglomerate with jade and ruby mining operations; Kirin Holdings, a Japanese beverage company; INNO Group, a South Korean property developer; Pan-Pacific, a South Korean manufacturer and exporter of clothing; POSCO, a South Korean steelmaker; RMH Singapore, a Singaporean fund with a tobacco operation in Myanmar; and Wanbao Mining, a Chinese metal mining company. This is not a case of MEHL unwittingly financing human rights violations its entire board is composed of high-level military figures, said Mark Dummett, Head of Business, Security and Human Rights at Amnesty International. It was the military government in Thailand that announced Gen. Min Aung Hlaings attendance at the ASEAN summit. Full copies of responses can be found in Annex I of the report. Moving onto his biography, we can get an adequate amount of information about him via his Wikipedia and as well as from this article. So, how much is Min Aung Hlaing worth at the age of 67 years old? This is not a case of MEHL unwittingly financing human rights violations its entire board is composed of high-level military figures. [41][29] In the lead-up to the 2020 Myanmar general election, he worked with the USDP to position himself as the next President. It states that MEHL is owned by 381,636 individual shareholders, who are all serving or retired military personnel, and 1,803 institutional shareholders, consisting of regional commands, divisions, battalions, troops, war veteran associations. Min Aung Hlaings marital status is married. The reference on Sunday to August 2023 was interpreted by some local media as extending that time frame by six months. [28] Early in his career, military colleagues gave him a nickname referring to cat feces, "something deposited quietly but leaving a powerful stink. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. This means taking into account credible assessments of potential adverse social, economic, and human rights impacts and taking steps to mitigate them when disengaging, said Mark Dummett. Unlike Myanmar, modern Thailand was never colonised. He and those around him also continue to think of themselves as role models for Myanmars rulers. Similarly, when in May 2014 Mr. Prayuth, still a general at the time, led the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Thailand, he vowed to create a genuine democracy (this, with the endorsement of the then king). The military said the number of protesters killed is far lower and members of the armed forces have also died in violence. [6][bettersourceneeded] During the period of civilian rule from 2011 to 2021, Min Aung Hlaing worked to ensure the military's continued role in politics and forestalled the peace process with ethnic armed groups. Whatever condemnation might be pending at the global level, Thailand anointed him nonetheless. State_Administration_Council - Read online for free. On August 1 Min Aung Hlaing was named prime minister of the new military-led caretaker government that replaced the council, and he extended the state of emergency until 2023. [87], Min Aung Hlaing's son, Aung Pyae Sone, owns a number of companies, including Sky One Construction Company and Aung Myint Mo Min Insurance Company. Advertisement. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. In June 2010, Min Aung Hlaing replaced General Shwe Mann as Joint Chief of Staff of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Any company doing business with MEHL risks contributing to these violations and must take urgent steps to cut ties, added Yadanar Maung, Spokesperson of Justice For Myanmar. General Min Aung Hlaings power includes appointing three key cabinet members, overseeing the police and border guards, and presiding over two large business conglomerates. Amnesty wrote to eight companies who operate jointly with MEHL in Myanmar. As the NLD won more than four-fifths of the legislative seats up for election, that party was again set to form the next government when parliament convened in 2021. The announcement and speech came exactly six months after the army seized power February 1 from a civilian government following elections that were won by Aung San Suu Kyis ruling party but that the military said had been fraudulent. When all that still failed to hold back one political force, the Future Forward Party, the courts obligingly dissolved it. As for Thailand, the armed forces are less economically incompetent. Did you encounter any technical issues? [34][35] Min Aung Hlaing's appointment coincided with USDP's rise to power, during which he oversaw a series of military reforms, and supported efforts by the USDP-led government to strike peace deals with ethnic armed groups. Both documents confirm that MEHLs shareholders include military units and high-ranking military officers directly implicated in crimes under international law and other serious human rights violations. He agreed. Copyright The Economist Newspaper Limited 2023. Expectations for any breakthrough are low. Here's what you need to know. In response, the military began intensifying allegations of electoral fraud and irregularities, submitting formal complaints to the Union Election Commission. [34] Min Aung Hlaing oversaw a direct military intervention to oust Shwe Mann from power, indicating the military's desire to continue furthering its agenda through USDP. Yet the Burmese way to socialismwhich the army promulgated as the state ideology after it seized power in 1962brought only grinding poverty. MEHLs business partners have a responsibility to respect human rights and seek to prevent or mitigate adverse human rights impacts linked to their operations. All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general and useful information purposes only. Ralph Jennings. But what kind of commendation is that? As the country prepared to transition to civilian rule, Than Shwe retired from the military. Min Aung Hlaing, (born July 3, 1956, Tavoy (now Dawei), Burma (now Myanmar)), military officer of Myanmar who, as commander in chief of the Tatmadaw This US sanctions include a freezing of assets under the US and a ban on transactions with any US person. In his speech, Min Aung Hlaing repeated a pledge to restore democracy, saying, We will accomplish the provisions of the state of emergency by August 2023. baylor powerlifting club; jones funeral home richlands, nc obituaries; stanley kowalski animal quotes [71], Min Aung Hlaing refused to give up his emergency powers when they were constitutionally set to expire on 1 February 2023, further delaying new elections. Myanmar was home to multiple ethnic insurgencies, and negotiating peace and achieving security were prime issues for Min Aung Hlaing and the new NLD-led government. One example: In late March, Thai soldiers reportedly pushed away some 2,000 refugees fleeing airstrikes in Myanmar. "[29] As he rose through the ranks, Min Aung Hlaing earned a reputation as a hardliner. Q.2 What is the Date of the Birth of Min Aung Hlaing? SOON AFTER General Min Aung Hlaing mounted a coup against Myanmars elected government, a year ago this month, the army chief wrote to the prime minister of next-door Thailand for advice. 10:20 PM EDT, Sun August 1, 2021. Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 64 years old? Complete information is not available. [84] In December 2020, it froze Min Aung Hlaing's American-based assets and criminalized financial transactions between him and anyone in the United States. [86] He sits on MEHL's Patron Group, which runs the conglomerate. It has said its takeover was in line with the constitution. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. ASEAN foreign ministers are to meet on Monday, when diplomats say they aim to finalize a special envoy tasked with ending violence and promoting dialogue between the junta and its opponents. The first is a filing which was lodged by MEHL with Myanmars Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) in January 2020. Gen Min Aung Hlaing took over the running of the military in 2011 as a transition to democracy began. Amnesty International is calling on the Myanmar government to intervene to break the link between the armed forces and the economy. He was reportedly shunned by classmates because of his reserved personality. While outsiders cant know how these dividends are spent by military units, the size and regularity of these payments suggests that they cover operational costs, said Mark Dummett. The military has arrested thousands since its coup more than two years ago that plunged the country into turmoil and sparked widespread clashes with anti-coup fighters.Junta chief Min Aung Hlaing "pardoned 3,015 prisoners to mark Myanmar New Year, for the peaceful mind of the people and on humanitari It Never Truly Left", "Who is Myanmar junta chief Min Aung Hlaing? (Thai authorities have denied this.). He is a member of famous with the age 67 years old group. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi watches the vaccination of health workers at hospital Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2021, in Naypyitaw, Myanmar. [49] On 5 November, the Tatmadaw declared that Min Aung Hlaing's rank is equivalent to Vice President of Myanmar. Mr. Prem, a close adviser of the Thai king, was 92 years old and had no children of his own. Given MEHLs unwillingness to reform its structure, its business partners must assess their relationship to MEHL and responsibly disengage. Back in 2011, when another junta in Myanmar announced the advent of political liberalization, it said reform was designed to usher in disciplined democracy a sinister euphemism for co-opting any democratic institutions or practices in the service of expanding the militarys prerogatives. [33] In June 2010, Min Aung Hlaing replaced General Shwe Mann as Joint Chief of Staff of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. [7], Baselessly claiming widespread voting irregularities and electoral fraud in the 2020 Myanmar general election in which Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy won a landslide re-election, Min Aung Hlaing seized power from her in the 2021 coup. Since its independence from Britain in 1948, Myanmar has spent five decades under military rule and has been racked by numerous civil conflicts involving marginalized ethnic minorities. [20], Min Aung Hlaing was born on 3 July 1956 in Minbu, Magway Region, Burma to Khin Hlaing and Hla Mu, as the fourth of five children. [110][111] On 9 December 2020, YMBA awarded him the title of Thado Thiri Agga Maha Mingalar Zawtika. However, a few have global reach. On 30 March 2011 he became the new Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Myanmar, replacing the outgoing head of state and junta chief, Senior General Than Shwe. [56][57], On 22 May 2021, Min Aung Hlaing gave his first interview since the coup to Hong Kong-based Chinese language Phoenix Television. Her trial on charges of illegally possessing walkie-talkie radios and breaking coronavirus protocols is scheduled to resume on Monday. Myanmars false process of democratization in 2011 arguably served as an archetype for Thailands election in 2019. In their irony-free zones, the generals poor long-term performance rarely registers. Otherwise, the two are remarkable for their similarities in means and ends. appreciated. He is from Burmese. He was reportedly accompanied by his wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Joint Secretary of the Council Lt-Gen Ye Win Mr. Prayuth chose Myanmar as his first foreign destination for an official visit. So, how much is Min Aung Hlaing worth at the age of 65 years old? He has led the Tatmadaw (military), an independent branch of government, as the commander-in-chief of Defence Services since March 2011, when he was handpicked to succeed longtime military ruler Than Shwe, who transferred leadership over the country to a civilian government upon retiring. [14][15] He has ordered the execution of prominent democracy activists, the first use of the death penalty in decades. And heres our email: Pavin Chachavalpongpun is an associate professor at Kyoto Universitys Center for Southeast Asian Studies. He is a member of famous with the age 65 years old group. Furthermore, independent observers did not find any evidence of electoral fraud and deemed the election to be credible and reflective of the will of the people. Discover today's celebrity birthdays and explore famous people who share your birthday. He maintained an adversarial relationship with democratically-elected State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, though she defended him against genocide charges. Pres. [91], On 17 April 2022, Min Aung Hlaing gave himself Myanmar's two highest titles; Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma (The Most Glorious Order of Truth) and Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu (the Order of the Union of Myanmar). He rose to prominence in 2009 after leading an offensive against the insurgent Myanmar Nationalities Democratic Alliance Army in Kokang. In the lead-up to 2011, the military began embarking on a series of political reforms to transition Myanmar to a quasi-democracy. The 2008 constitution was designed to prevent the emergence of a solitary autocrat, dividing authority between the commander-in-chief and the president, who cannot be the same person. In order to perform the countrys duties fast, easily and effectively, the state administration council has been re-formed as caretaker government of Myanmar, a newsreader on state Myawaddy television said. Gen Min Aung Hlaing ran through old grievances, real and perceived, blaming British imperialism and Japanese fascism, which he said had divided the people of The army seized power after Suu Kyis ruling party won elections that the military argues were tainted by fraud. The marital status of Min Aung Hlaings is married his wifes name is Kyu Kyu Hla. [23], Min Aung Hlaing passed his matriculation exam in 1972 at BEHS 1 Latha of Rangoon (now Yangon). The Constitution, which is still in force, also reserves 25 percent of seats in Parliament for army delegates, places key ministries in the hands of the military and grants the generals vast emergency powers which they invoked to justify their recent takeover. His reserved personality democratically-elected state Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, though she him. Level, Thailand anointed him nonetheless Hlaing earned a reputation as a transition civilian! 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