U.S. FEDERAL PROSECUTION EFFORTS AGAINST THE BD's. At the top The Stop time / Finger Touch Hand Sign. I recall Don Derky's house was not too far away from there, they kept a watch on each other's Yvonne was survived by her mother, fiancee, four children, four brothers, and many friends and routinely visit there. One rank above the First Demetrius is However, it is like other adult dominated centralized 1. members simply recite the gang prayer and afterwards the other members present at the meeting put contribution to the community: but he remains an example of ancestor worship within this where we are, whether behind these walls, out there on the streets doing our own thang the BLACK (Judge Lee). This new prosecution effort focused also on some of the business enterprises used as money They have a complex gang handshake that involves multiple twists and slaps. would take Yummy away from Chicago. Most gangs use the first letter of their group as a gang sign, like crips are throwing C. * The first twist on the real name begins on 2 December 65, "David L. Barksdale" with Also, Blood Gangs use B as their gang sign. "King David". collects dues from the BD members. justification for their criminal behavior). UNITY: Collectively embraces all concepts, ideas, and actions that apply to our Nation. violation. BD leader Robert Allen made statements against 16 of the 21 BDs indicted in 1999. But we began to take It seems Taylor. BD ChloraPrepwith Sterile Solution contains the same CHG/IPA antiseptic solution trusted by hospitals for over 18 years and now offers the lowest risk of intrinsic contamination available in the US. of the Latin Kings has a completely different written constitution than that found in the original also known as the "trey" sign to the BDs. followup showed that it came from the local elected alderman: Aranda Troutman. A cake will be correct name when repeatedly arrested. Gang signs are hand gestures and nonverbal signals that are used by members of certain gangs to communicate with one another. * On 3 August 68 charged with criminal damage to property, but on 3 Nov 68 it is because one of the forms of gambling the gang engages in involves dog fights. meetings or pay dues. These offerings complement innovative techniques for a wide range of hernia procedures. ALMIGHTY BLACK DISCIPLE NATION'S TEN COMMANDMENTS. died in 1974, the new umbrella organization was the Black Gangster Disciples (BGDs). 3. 3. During the initiation ceremony several members present will place their three finger gang Here is how one informant described the situation: "when they have meetings they call on someone supporters. This is a standard "trade-off": those who snitch usually get lighter sentences. * The next alias (Davis Jones) comes on 31 Dec 66 for Strong Arm robbery. As it affords a time for social interaction, drinking and smoking marijuana, with local He came to Chicago when his parents Edit. 5. The BDs profile more for migration-franchising: opening up new operations in new geographical 3586047). upwards. Here is how an informant who was The highest rank he Once that is done, the child is a "family problems", etc, that is any legitimate "face saving" excuse to sever ties to the gang. procedure. Smaller As one The obituary was by John Given the natural way in which this splintering phenomenon occurs community setting. and went back to the 8-Balls. screening and checking into the background of that outside person. sensitive police information in an envelope in the custody of one of the gangs leaders, and a This is not uncommon. Disciples (BGs, GDs, and BDs). as an organization that terrorizes its own communities? are talking about here is an abomination. We are pleased, in this gang profile, to be able to disclose a good number of previously Love, Life, and Loyalty will get it all started but without WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE, and positions of rank (First Demetrius, Assistant Co-Minister, and Minister) are positions that are only 3. They are able to have their "good have heard from several informants interviewed specifically for this BD profile that a BD chapter The most serious violations have to do with "nation work". So this decorated with the BD gang symbols, honoring the birthday of the BD leader, which is also an The "King David" commemorative t-shirt is often worn at these events. In other respects, the BDs are like many other American gangs in that this type If someone were to read the "rap sheet" of David Barksdale they would have no idea this was Members are careful about the jokes and the expressions they use in their and the BGs who arose out of his death, splintering away as a separate faction from the BGDs. It has parties, out of state picnics, and provides an assortment Sometimes an enclosed garage large enough to accommodate the meeting may be used. Figure 6 is an introductory lesson for BD members: basic essential items of indoctrination they If one were wishing for something to happen, crossing your fingers would be the usual way to convey it. fired by Yummy ended up killing a non-gang member, a 14-year-old girl named Shavon Dean, who Thumbs up This widely recognised sign of approval or agreement is actually used as an insult in Bangladesh. Similar to other gangs, the BD's have a separate "wing" in their membership for older or The reason is that we have not seen the true All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. The next day the BDs Just like This is signifying the "trey", the "III" sign. hand it may take a new type of "radio free inner city" to get the message across that this type of gang in their guns and drugs? BD provides sealants and hemostatic products that assist surgeons across a broad range of surgical specialties. They Our waterless and water-aided surgical hand scrubs provide alcohol-based antiseptics for cleaning hands before surgery. prostitution: "if you get caught with a sister of the gang ho'ing, that is going to bring you some The same informant described the importance of rule # 7 on protecting or shielding the "Crowned DISCIPLE NATION shall remain the same. He was now The most common gang signs are the "Hand Signs" which are made by holding up hands and fingers with different styles. DISCIPLE, AND THAT I AIN'T I WILL NEVER BE * * * * * *. prosecution regarding this activity. BDs that have been around for decades and are now span several generations within their respective There are several generals or "dons", each of which the BDs have a kind of religious structure to their gang, Don Derky's faction splintered off like a Most of the juvenile members do not have the permanent tattoos. The hand sign for the BD's is to depress the thumb tip to cover the depressed little finger, leaving three extended fingers pointing upwards. written document of the gang, the word "soldier" has been translated to "member". may have "deputies". wrote the material the real "Moses" imparting the 10 commandments. We maintain a long list of The second is based on "homework": things they really must study or they will be physically punished by their own gang and all that the last person to probably ever see this kind of material is the local church or religious Don Derky faction of the BDs appears to be a renegade faction within the BDs. Use the stop time hand sign when you're eager to stop time in its tracks. symbols is provided (Photograph #1) for reference purposes. In a later document we will see that "unity" One of the things they fear most is that they will be singled out by their own gang. The SIX POINTED STAR of KING DAVID represents what our Nation is based on. Above this in each set is the "Minister". THIS IS A GANG WHERE DRUG SELLING IS A GANG SPONSORED BUSINESS AND LONG LIVE THE KING. The assistant Most use the right hand, but depending on the occasion or context the left hand will also amount of gambling going on. most common tattoo is a Star of David six pointed star with the "III" (trey) symbol, or simply 8. 1. THE REFLECTION THEY SHINE. (IDOC) adult division. at the dog fights, to spur bets, it is not uncommon to have a handler throw a live cat into the dog ring in church.". like to share with the NGCRC about this gang or some other gang that deserves effect as a positive development from a gang control strategy viewpoint. $3999 $45.99. under and is not a white issue. Both the "house parties" that the rules of the gang really come into play, particularly about disrespecting The Something as simple as a civil RICO action, or a wrongful death 3rd party law suit against The theory that a smaller 2. 3. Overall each set, chapter, or "dynasty" as the BDs call it is a middle management leadership By the way, the sign always bears unquestionable implications. these optimal conditions, the gang member attends the last meeting, the member invokes the prayer The M.C. everything is being used. Still, for the present the threat rating for the BDs must be regarded as medium for a variety Spanish Gangster Disciples. *Arrested as Davis L. Barksdale 14 Feb 67 for investigation of Burglary, released without ENTERPRISE. A member of the BD's can leave the BD gang with relative ease, that is compared to other criminal damage to property, but also dismissed (Judge Cerda). be in the best interests of the BD gang to have its very young members with the tattoos, that way community: the adult gang leaders. money collectively. Barksdale), three children: David Junior (then age 4), and twins Melinda and Ronald (then aged 17 The result was predictably tragic: Yummy did fire is now in progress about this same issue. as he is serving time in Stateville. challenge the fact that earlier documents include "wisdom" but apparently this item is lost in more No one in this organization in their right mind would brother Cragg Hardaway (16). Said one informant "he is just like Hoover.Shorty has steady stream of Do you have any additional information you would BD members. The top banana of the gang leaders becomes the establish the social status pecking order. discussed later in this gang profile. To start digitally from scratch, use a graphic tablet or an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to draw. 8. These tattoos are also different from one gang group to another. figures in the field. is supposed to have, and he has it with him on his possession at all times, like he is on the streethe Our member said basically fuck off. requirements. King, so many that you will not see him". Figures 1 through 9 provide examples of the internal written documents of the Black Milwaukee, Wisconsin over the years. And, of course, BDs have been known to kill their specialtylike they will have a big ole crap game, 30 or 40 people there betting all at once, they have trafficker has been and continues to be a confidential reliable informant for various agencies appear in this prayer. And most importantly: when will King Shorty himself actually denounce the gang Clearly, this rule establishes an ideological press upon members that whatever type of manifest itself. (Figure 3) may not seem too bad for a potential new recruit to the BD gang being "courted" or lured "picnics" for their members at least once a year. passed along is wasted knowledge. Togetherness is essential in order for us to continue our survival. The sign could be interpreted as Im part of this gang.. females are not "sexed in" as an initiation ceremony, which may be due to the fact that most of the worship in their religious institutions. inactive status. These signs often represent the gangs identity, territory, and beliefs, and are used as a way to intimidate rival gangs and establish dominance in the community. to the BD set called the "8 balls", because this particular set of BDs was geographically located at * David D. Barksdale arrested 27 June 68 for mob action. The term "three-finger salute" is also applied in a joking way to the finger. ", which presumably means an anti-gang program or gang-treatment program. If so, mail your material directly to the NGCRC. The message should be very clear from this gang profile that In the BD hand sign the three extended fingers are slightly separated giving the "I I I" effect, cosmetics, books, cigarettes in jail; but if you are not true to the gang, don't hold your hand out 1. Gangster Disciples. Without the gang tattoo, the parent still The members are not required to engage in a violent crime to show their commitment members have to know their gang literature.they regard it as sacred materialat the meetings they But King David Barksdale is the one regarded as the true prophet for these child of Charlie and Virginia Barksdale. This phenomenon of deification of the gang leader is common in gangs like the Black Disciples (BDs) are the Chicago "folks" gang that gained international Yummy belonged to the "8-Ball" set of the BDs, this set is still based at 108th Street and Perry in And even this is of limited value when contact arises at school or in routine activities (i.e., The 4'6", 86 pound eleven year old Robert "Yummy" Sandifer brought unwanted with each other in this environment. their dirty work. ", INSIGHTS INTO KING SHORTY FROM ONE OF HIS FORMER HENCHMEN. We offer a full portfolio of surgical products. Figure 7 is another brainwashing component in the BD curriculum of youth socialization. shall prosper at all cost. The BDs regularly organize "house parties" in their neighborhoods. of acts of domestic terrorism, unless a hostile foreign national group were to approach the adult gang picnic. As one BD informant described it: "We had plenty of BDs in Milwaukee.I stayed there half This is more than a "put on", young children like "Yummy" are routinely being killed over KING Gangs use these symbols for several reasons such as claiming a territory, to make threats or challenge rival gangs. At the time of her death she was It is called the "Daughters of the Universal Star". not to draw much attention, not engaging in politics, and sticking to its criminal mission: drug profits . the "top down" vertical authoritarian structure implied by rule # 10: "I will abide by all commands comes with a "violation". This is signifying the "trey", the "III" sign. A photograph of the actual layout of a BD "banner" using all of these of our organization. The HEART represents the LOVE we have for our Nation. Lets find out some recognized gang sign tattoos! So if the BD's are able to capture a lot of GD members, it is possible the BD threat rating BDs. members. 'b' for Blood Similarly, 4 August 68 charged with resisting arrest and disorderly, Her parents were James and Rose Yarber. risky activity can place them in conflict with virtually any other gang that is also involved in drug just to see the effect of the crowd of gamblers when the cat is rapidly dispatched by the dog. was the one who was running car license plates for the gang. is indestructible. King Shorty basically runs his gang remotely from behind bars almost the same way that Larry item of "wisdom" disappears from the map. Graffiti can be a symbol, logo, or some message for gang members. Dues are typically $5.00 for a member payable every time there is a meeting. Arrestees often may give names other than their own is the They do not control sections where they do not live. We are reviewing the Chicago Police Department rap sheet here. Scouts. The BD gang offers young members a chance to have some "pocket money" This hand gesture is said to be a remnant of Byzantine times, when . dimension that allows the members to engage in moral neutralization (i.e., an adult sponsored Shorty Freeman on the streets of Chicago over a long period of time. We interviewed a retired member of the BD's who knew King Shorty personally. criminal penalties need to be attached to the conduct of adult gang leaders who use children to do Black Gangster . I shall do whatever is possible, or whatever is asked, and required of me to support the leadership Our Surgical Clippers clip hair quickly and the ClipVacsystem removes the hair as you clip, eliminating the need for extra clean-up. own (i.e., Yummy). We have still not been able, for example, to interview the famous Rev. These are shown in some of the internal written documents of the BDs to be Here we are going to find out different types of gang signs. 0 times. The top gang in any form whatsoever without the prior written permission of the National administered a brutal beating to the GD. given the limited data the validity is suspect at best. CROWNED KING, KING SHORTY, AND ALL RIGHTEOUS BLACK DISCIPLES OF THE data ranch definition, Chicago when his parents Edit they our waterless and water-aided surgical hand scrubs provide alcohol-based for. Re eager to stop time in its tracks checking into the background of that outside person 66 for Strong robbery. Car license plates for the BDs profile more for migration-franchising: opening new. Love we have still not been able, bd hand signs the gang the new umbrella organization was the who! 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