These operators MUST be in capital letters. We suggest that your, How Do You Plant a Plant? Once pruned however the stems and foliage become more compact and better suited to hedging. If you're looking to shape the shrub, the Wynyabbie Gem responds well to pruning. Pruning Pruning Group 9. Rosemary-like leaves are linear and silver-green. Gardening with Angus Westringia Wynyabbie Gem profile page With its long blooming period this plant also will make a great landscape specimen in the garden. Australian Native Plants Society Australia Westringia Wynyabbie Gem profile page, Email:, Copyright 2020 The Australian Plants Society - NSW. Flowers are lilac/mauve in colour and are seen mainly in spring. The scrub turkey that wants to be a chook. Feed with blood and bone annually and keep well watered in the summer. A dense, rounded bun-shaped shrub with spreading branches and fine textured, silvery leaves that are white underneath. March
Plant in full sun. Westringia spp. Dillwynia sericea Leptospermum Copper Glow (4) Westringia Smokie Leptospermum petersonii Westringia Wynyabbie Gem Leptospermum scoparium Xerochrysum bracteatum Legend / Key (P) - Pots only (x) - Very limited numbers , where x = number available. It is an easy care plant with a tidy habit. We received this plant from the University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Arboretum in 1988 (as Westringia linifolia) but were later were notified by UCSC Arboretum Manager Brett Hall that they were having this plant seed out widely and considered it a potential weed species so we reluntantly discontinued growing it. Smaller growing varieties to 100cm include Westringia "Elizabeth Bough" and "Starry Night". Westringia Blue Gem ['WES03'] PPAF (Blue Gem Coast Rosemary) - A beautiful newer selection of the Australian Coast Rosemary shrub that has a compact upright form to 3 to 5 feet tall by 3 to 4 feet wide with foliage composed of narrow 3/4 inch long olive-green leaves on dark maroon-brown stems. Westringia fruticosa 'Blue Gem' TM PP 25674. Update: A few days after creating this entry, I noticed that the tag on the plant's branch (from the grower, Bracy's Nursery) calls it Westringia 'Blue Gem' (WES03), but the sticker on the . If they dont, they may be able to order it in for you if you request it. Most nurseries stock a good range of plants, but due to space and supplies, they may not always have the plant that you are searching for in stock. Westringia fruticosa 'Low Horizon' PP 27898.
Westringia. The flowering period for the species Westringia fruticosa can be year round in coastal gardens but this plant is a bit more shy to bloom and flowers are typically only seen in spring a good thing as the showiest aspect of this plant is the clean variegated foliage. Photo: Brian Walters. Foliage colour:Narrow grey-green to dark green leaves arranged in whorls of four around the stem. Perhaps you require a Large Specimen tree for that newly acquired estate or winery project? Trim it back after the main flowering season in late autumn or early winter to maintain . Australian Native Plants Propagation, cultivation and use in landscaping. Westringia fruticosa Low Horizon ['WES06'] PP27,898 (Low Horizon Coast Rosemary) - This low spreading evergreen shrub grows to only 1 foot tall by 4 feet wide with short internodes holding linear dark gray-green leaves that are nearly 3/4 of an inch long by 1/8 inch wide. Oakleaf Hydrangea Native to Georgia, Florida and Mississippi Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) is a shrub for all seasons, with large, showy cone-shaped flower clusters . Common Name: Wynyabbie Gem Coast Rosemary An evergreen shrub that forms an upright, rounded mound. How you plant your bare root fruit tree will largely determine its chances of survival. The search engine supports three types of phrase search. We grow or have grown the following Westringia at San Marcos Growers. Please visit our nursery and enjoy a guided tour of our facility in one of our eco-friendly carts. The small white flowers are the same as those of Westringia fruticosa. Hardy to about 20 F and useful in USDA Zones 9-10. The small (1/2 inch wide) white flowers bloom along the branches off and on throughout the year with an early spring peak. regenerate from seed after fire. Weeding, pruning, mulching and following the recommended watering practices will help . Provincial is appreciative to have been featured on in a new article about Canberras best places to buy plants. Westringias can handle a variety of soil conditions but won't like our local clay soil. The vibrant bluish purple flowers erupt in profusion in spring but are also present throughout much of the rest of the year. along the margins. CLOSED December 24th - December 27th. Specialist nurseries are also able to give great advice, and if they dont have the plant you have planned on, they can often suggest alternatives that will also work well for you. Propagation methods Seed, Semi-ripe cuttings, Softwood cuttings Monthly care advice Get access to monthly care advice Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription. Seeds can be sent to all states except Tasmania. We do not sell these plants. Recommended uses:A very tough plant useful in many difficult situations. Flower colour:Small blue-mauve flowers arising from the leaf axils. All Rights Reserved. Tel + 61 2 6492 7242 All Rights Reserved Site by,, It is a great plant for coastal gardens, withstanding salt and wind beautifully. Botanical Name: Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem', Common Name: Wynyabbie Gem Coast Rosemary, Light Needs: Full Sun, Filtered Sun, Partial Sun, Partial Shade, Shade. All westringias are small to medium shrubs with white or mauve flowers. For hedge pruning, trim frequently and lightly to keep your hedge tidy and to encourage consistent dense growth. Other Species: 25 species including w. eremicola, W. fruticosa and w. glabra amongst others. An easy to care for and fast-growing shrub that's great for coastal areas with-standing wind, sea spray and dry . Advanced Native and Deciduous Tree Nurseries that are a bit specialOur native and deciduous farm and street, 8 Tips to Deal with Clay SoilsMany of the essential minerals in clay soils are unavailable to the plants because of the soils structure. Angus recommends Bush Tucker fertiliser for native plants. It bears a profusion of violet flowers year round. Shrubbery, January
Search Shop Details: . words in your search query. As a quick grower, this shrub can reach an average landscape size of 6-8 tall by 5-6 wide. Please see our Current Availability page
Deer resistant. Comments: Originally the species was called W. rosmariniformis - but it was re-named by Australian botanists. 2010-2023 GardensOnline Shopping Pty. NEWS FROM THE BLOG. It is a good choice for coastal and poolside plantings, as it withstands . Citrus Tree Help Find the answers to your most commonly asked questions about citrus trees like frost resistance and pruning. In this cultivar, flowers are a light lilac-mauve to blue-mauve (see photo 1 and 2), about 1 cm long x 1 cm wide, and are borne prolifically in the spring with spot flowering all year round. In addition, there are several ways to modify the default search behavior. Family: Lamiaceae Pollinization is very important to insure that you will get fruit on the Fruit Tree that you select. spread 5 - 8 Feet. In spring, it produces pale purple flowers with orange speckles in the throats, Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9, Eastfacing or Southfacing or Westfacing, All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Plant in full sun. These 15 low maintenance shrubs for landscaping are all attractive, reliable, trouble-free plants. Hardy to about 20 F. It is similar to Westringia fruticosa 'Morning Light', but has is more upright growing and has a more overall gray
Conservation Status: Not applicable Small blue-lilac flowers appear pretty much year round in warm locations. Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet. Plant in full sun to light
Using a well-draining soil, water regularly after planting to encourage a healthy root system, then reduce frequency. Easily considered a low-maintenance plant variety, Coast Rosemary is an obvious addition to California landscape designs. It is reported to be hardy and reliable in a range of situations. Maintenance: Trim regularly to keep neat and its a good idea to prune regularly when young to ensure a dense habit. Lavandula angustifolia 'Thumbelina Leigh'. They have attractive whorls of small leaves that are usually a light
If you prepend a word with, all words on a page which start the same way as that query word will match. The flowering period for the species Westringia fruticosa can be year round in coastal gardens but this plant is a bit more shy to bloom and flowers are typically only seen in
'Smokey' also is more upright growing. An evergreen shrub that forms an upright, rounded mound. 13148 Princes Highway Brogo NSW 2550. Westringia 'Wynyabbie Highlight' (Australian Variegated Rosemary) - A compact evergreen shrub that grows to at least 3-4 feet tall and as wide with cream margined slender gray-green (white beneath) 1 inch long leaves that radiate out from the dark stems in evenly spaced whorls. Small, violet, star-shaped flowers bloom year round. The new mass planting has more impact in one spot and perfectly frames the clipped conifers nearby. If you prune old plants back to bare branches, they may not recover. The flowering period is primarily in the summer and fall but flowers can often be found throughout the year. It is drought and seaside tolerant, and will take cold down to at least 25 degrees F and likely a bit lower. Easily grown in dry, well-drained soils in full sun or part shade. It has light lavender flowers that appear in midwinter and last through spring. Urban Tree Farm Nursery features a different fruit tree every month. Prune to shape once or twice a year to keep it dense and it can be kept as a smaller shrub and with more regular trimming it makes an excellent compact low hedge to around 3 feet tall - tolerates this pruning treatment far better than the similar and larger cultivar 'Wynyabbie Gem'. Example: gift*, ? Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for formal or informalhedging and screening. Perfect for hedging, screening or shaping. Westringia Wynyabbie Gem In stock Only 128 left $3.95 Great for coastal, seaside, and exposed roof garden locations, as it can withstand salt and wind. It is drought and seaside tolerant,
Quitter's never Win. Feed with blood and bone annually and keep well watered in the summer. var TheButtonPintrest;
This shrub has a dense, bushy habit which makes it ideal as a low screening or hedging plant.
-video. Small white flowers off and on throughout year. . The popular Westringia owes its common names, 'native rosemary' or 'coastal rosemary', more to the shape of its leaves than any distinctive aroma. Plant in full sun to light shade and irrigate infrequently to occasionally. in the garden. Likes a well drained soil, sunny to lightly shaded spot. It flowers profusely in spring and regularly at other times of the year. It is useful for coastal plantings where it can tolerate wind and sea spray and because of its tolerance for wet soils it can actually be a component in a bioswale planting - it is the only Westringia cultivar known to tolerate this situation. Flowers have a shape described as labiate (applies to all Lamiaceae flowers) with 5 petals varying in their size, fused at their base, produced in leaf axils. Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem' is a hybrid between W. fruticosa and a mauve flowered form of W. eremicola. Responds well to pruning, and could be used as an informal hedge. Common Name: Westringia Tea Tree Leptospermum 'Silver Fantasy' - 8 tubes, Westringia Wynyabbie Gem Coastal Rosemary, Advanced Search-find the right plant for you, Best Australian native plants for pots and containers, Anguss Plants for Aussie Birds Grevillea speciosa, Harvesting worm castings from your worm farm video, Keeping your worm farm cool in summer video, Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens -video, Kangaroo Paw Anigozanthos Rampaging Roy Slaven video. Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm Sat - Sun 9.00am - 4.00pm Common Name: Low Horizon Coast Rosemary. monilifera, By default the search engine tries to locate pages which have exact matches for, of the words entered in your search query. Example: (contact AND us) OR (about AND us).
This results is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, and some plants go yellow. Example: +always -never, * WildcardIf a query word ends with a * all words on a page which start the same way as that query word will match. Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem' (Wynyabbie Coast Rosemary) - This hybrid between the coastal Westringia fruticosa and the inland growing Westringia eremicola is a fast growing upright dense-growing shrub that can reach 6-8 feet tall by 6 feet wide with slender gray-green (white beneath) 1 inch long leaves that radiate out from the dark stems in evenly spaced whorls. They grow well in the ornamental garden and landscape as a screen, background, and slope shrub. Visit our shop to browse our plant range now. Adaptable to pruning. Small, white, star-shaped flowers bloom mostly in spring. genus Westringia. Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem' None: 1.5 x 1.5: Mauve: Apparently a hybrid between W. fruticosa . Curious if we have your favorite plant or product in stock? Drought tolerant but keeps better color and remains more dense when given occasional spring and summer irrigation. We have thousands of container grown plants and trees, including large specimen trees! This month, we would like to introduce you to the adaptable and attractive Ambrosia Pomegranate. Westringia fruticosa 'Morning Light' Variegated Coast Rosemary. Plants, like people, are about 80% water so they also need it to survive. None have serious pest problems, and they don't require constant pruning or cleanup. Get all the latest news about gardening and Angus straight to your inbox. Common Name: Australian Rosemary - Bush Variegated Mature Height: 3-4' Mature Spread: 3-4' Exposure: Sun/Part Sun Growth: Evergreen Flower Color: Pale Purple It has a dense, bushy habit which makes it ideal as a low screening or hedging plant. from sandy to clay soils, wet or dry in sun or shade. There are four stamens - the upper two are fertile while the lower two are reduced to staminodes. 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