Jar Long Liner Trapper's Special, Lenon's Raccoon Super All Call Lure 8 oz Jar Long Liner Trappers Special. Locations, sets and techniques for all aspects of canine trapping. Marsyada #101 Red Fox Matrix Lure - 1 oz. If you wish to purchase additional quantities, please contact the Web Sales Department at 989-879-1110 Ext. Borosilicate Glass Designed by Dave Daley Color: Blue Intended for legal use only. Because we carry inventory of all different shapes, sizes and weights and the Remember powders require more time to work their way through a lure than a liquid. Imported. Hundreds of uses on the trapline. Place the dirt from the hole on the kneeling cloth. price was $27.00. This is not a tall tale, and may be true of all frogs not just ours, but pouring it this way, I have literally caught fish on this frog and never put a hook in them. SLICK SMELT, PHANTOM CHART, CHART CRUSH, SHAD, SUNNY. For orders or for a copy of our Free Catalog call 1-800-762-2706. Easy to use. Learn to work comfortably around your traps. They work the sets unafraid when used down the holes. Shell: 80% wool/20% nylon. The front rides very high providing an almost instantaneous pop to the top. As a world leader in the art of animal lure formulation since 1984, our success as a leading manufacturer speaks for itself. Orders after 3PM Friday cannot be filled until Monday. Bad Medicine LDC - Use for Fox, Coyote. Marsyada #100 Red Fox Gland Lure - 4 oz. Predator Control Group CAT Collector Bobcat Lure 4 Oz. Crawford on his PA fox line in this video instructional diary. Winchester Coyote Gland (Coyotes - Foxes - Bobcats) 1 quart Coyote Glands. I have had sets that I did nothing to after setting them and caught coyotes 2 weeks later after all kinds of weather hit the set. Shipping rates vary by state. Trapperchick shares how she uses foothold traps to take coyote after coyote on her personal. We can also ship your order via Post Office, or other arrangements on request. Depends on your temperature and humidity. Cable, Chain and Wire. Flash More Fish with the Do-Jigger! e: info@northwoodsoutlet.comp: (989) 879-1110, People from all over Michigan drive to save at Northwoods. 1/2 quart Propylene Glycol. Each bait is individually tank tested ensuring this proven all-purpose trolling bait works right out of the package. Locations, sets and techniques for all aspects of canine trapping. The 3? Place trap out of reach of children and pets. And with diving depths down to 28ft. An easy twist-off lid allows for quick lure replacement and trap cleaning. Rate this Buy this. It is a combination of food and musk ingredients rounded out with a curiosity kicker that really calls in the greys. Epler Fur Company, Inc. Matt and Danielle Brophy 233 Chestnut St., St Clair, PA 17970 Phone 272-245-0104. Great for catching panfish, trout, bass, stripers and other gamefish. New Item! The Western Rivers Mity Max Triton Series Smart Lite is the most user friendly light on the market. DELIVERY INFORMATION Retail Price: $25.00. version. //]]>, The Rocky logo, text, graphics, and photo images are property Trapping Closeouts - F&T Fur Harvester's Trading Post - Everything you need for Trapping, Hunting With Hounds, and Predator Calling . Offering a variety of baits & lures for your trapline. This increased movement from the fishing blade allows you to use a slower speed. Also attractive to bobcats. 5. Use pliers to bend both tabs down at 90 degree angles. CLINT LOCKLEAR'S LURE. Trapping Closeouts Steck's Lethal Dose Lure | Go Back. Perfect for trolling and casting techniques. The ancient Mayans called the grey fox Cat of the Mountains. Likewise, this lure takes advantage of the grey foxs cat-like characteristics. Too much lure will keep coyotes away. A variety of baits and lures for your trapline as well as quality urines, fish oils, and other oils used in lure making. We carry animal traps, snares, trap tools, dye, wax, stakes, how to book and dvds and hunting supplies. Modern traps are designed to hold animals without inflicting injury. (Shipping cost is based upon weight of box.). 4 1/2 oz. 1 ounce powder 4.800005 (Imperial measurements) Lures for reference. Learn new techniques, improve your catch! trapping bait and lure $23.00 Popular Bud Oil Beaver Trapping trap taps $5.75 $5.15 shipping or Best Offer 6 watching 6 Pc FUR HANDLING KIT- knife, gambrel, Prosafe flesher,Tail zipper,tail stripper $65.35 240 sold SPONSORED Heavy Duty Bench Mount Tail Stripper Fur Handling Skinning Fleshing Pelt Hide $31.99 12 watching SPONSORED Trapping Supplies. Marsyada Lures - Closeout While Supplies Last. You'll feel confident and comfortable wearing it anywhere. Flash More Fish with the Do-Jigger! These original do-jiggers are originals and were created specifically for Northwoods Wholesale Outlet. $ 23.00. bottle No returns on Trapping items. Takes half the time to set your trap and only seconds to reset after removing your catch. You will get a ton of different answers on this one. Phone: (712)822-5780 Fax: (712)822-5781 330 S. Main St. Po Box 70 Lidderdale IA 51452 Offering a full line of trapping supplies including tools, accessories and more. A handle over the top of the trap provides easy and accurate trap placement and for relocation. Plays all media formats including MP3 and WAV. Check out our full line trapping lures, trapping baits and quality animal urines. Using insta-scan sound, you can recall 10 soun, WESTERN RIVERS is pleased to introduce the most advanced light on the market today. but heck if you don't catch anything by then, id pull it. It may be used with Glue Boards, Mouse Traps, Rat Traps,and Humane Mouse Traps (Live) in residential, commercial andindustrial buildings. Our web site is always up-to-date. Traps for Gophers, Moles, Rats and Skunks. This lure is fish based with some select ingredients added to make it a top notch coon attractant. Closeout price is $11.95. Pour whatever color belly you want, stopping below the injection gate. Show more Show more TRAPPING BAITS AND LURES Open Country Hunter 6.3K views 6 years. Youll get hooked on Northwoods where ''We make the outdoors affordable! OUR PRODUCTS WERE DESIGNED WITH THE IDEA OF EASE OF USE, AND TIME / SPACE MANAGEMENT, FOR THE BEGINNER TO THE MOST EXPERIENCED TRAPPER. The Chubbs Lures Deep Diver 4 1/2 has bill that gets this bait down deep and quick! For a super realistic feel use a medium-soft plastic and then quickly dip just the body in a hard plastic. price was $24.00. Due to holiday mail volume, please allow for an additional 1 - 2 days for the delivery of your order. Trapping Supplies Wildlife Control & Skunk Equipment Bait, Lure, Urine, Oils & Supplies A variety of baits and lures for your trapline as well as quality urines, fish oils, and other oils used in lure making. Grav Classic Sherlock - Bubble Trap - Features: Length: Approx. The life-like minnow profile perfectly mimics small baitfish and the subtle higher pitched rattle will help call in those finicky fish. We have books & DVDs on a variety of different topics and by popular authors. sei@newulmtel.net 1 ounce liquid 568.262 drops. Idaho residents must add 6% sales tax unless your tax number is on file with us, We charge a $ 3.00 handling fee on all orders under $ 30.00. [CDATA[ Berkley Flicker Shad performance with an even more exaggerated action. The rear also has an even lower section that acts like a rudder, making it run straight, but also creates what would best be described as a subtle chine walk. youll be able to hunt down those elusive eyes in the heat of the summer. CONTACT US. This predator lure has produced exce . If fishing small waters is your game, then look no further than The Chubb Lures Panfish Square Bill. Injecting recommendations: This mold works great as a two color mold. Closeout price is $5.95. Customer pays actual shipping and insurance costs, no additional handling or packing fees. Contact Us: E-mail:CustomerService@hideandfur.com Phone: 208-882-0601| fax: 208-882-5715 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 am - 6 pm, Pacific Time Closed on weekends Mailing Address: Moscow Hide and Fur PO Box 8918 Moscow, Idaho 83843 Physical / UPS Address: All items sold on an availability basis only. LIMIT OF 10 1 orinfo@northwoodsoutlet.com, to obtain a shipping quote. Original 4 oz. Log in. Flash action Jig in the winter spin, cast or troll in the summer. Weiser's Sucker Punch Lure h. Cold and dry both reduce the level of scent. Steck's Two Riders Lure Original 1 oz. Food lures for muskrat and beaver, on the other hand, would include a plant or fruit based attractant. Ive been up to my sets after rains, snows, freezing temps and I can still smell my lures and baits so I definitely know a fox and coyote can smell them. Order Now. Your order may be delayed up to two weeks while your check clears the bank. With sharp #6 trebles, youll be putting more fish in the boat! Orders are shipped via USPS or UPS. //]]> You will learn more about this very efficient and thrilling way of hunting. In this video I show you exactly how I make the long distance call lure I use on my marten and fisher trapline. Bonus: split ring and flipper included. Cronk's Trapping Lures-Broad Mountain Lures and Baits-Trapping Lure and Bait Kits-Bottles, Jars & Applicators: Stakes and Anchors. For extra warmth, the jacket is fully lined with 60-gram Arctic Insulation quilted to nyl. Price: $7.95. Cavens Yodel Dog"Coyote Gland Lure" 1 oz. Kicker causes coon to work sets aggressively. New Winter Hours: Monday-Thursday 6am-7pm | Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6am-9pm. Our specialty products include Volkers Wire Cubbies, Dispatch . Kicker causes coon to work sets aggressively. The Trap Shack Company provides a wide selection of quality trapping supplies, fur handling equipment, baits, and lures. We ship with UPS, USPS, and Spee-Dee. Original price was $16.95. 1/2 quart Coyote Urine. Harvested 61 coons shooting the video..It works! Dyes, Wax & Tags. Trapping Traps Bodygrip Traps Bridger Duke Oneida-Victor Sleepy Creek Cage Traps Cage Trap Accessories Colony Muskrat Trap Duke Havahart Havahart 1-Door Cage Traps Havahart 2-Door Cage Traps Havahart Collapsible Traps Kness Safeguard Safeguard Front Release Traps Safeguard Rear Release Traps Ztraps Dog Proof Traps Foot Hold Traps Coil Spring Fur Harvesters make sure you take advantage of the wealth of information on trapping and predator calling on the web today. See list of ingredients below to make four 4-. Our # 1 is great as a spin casting lure in summer for big trout, northern and bass, and the #1 as a casting or trolling lure for kokanee, jacks, smaller trout and bass. The Chubbs Lures Loud Shad lipless crankbait is a staple for every anglers tackle box. Our specialty products include Volkers Wire Cubbies, Dispatch Systems & Cookie Cutter Trap Bedder. version as well. Install pinch pan with one over-sized nut on each side of pan mount as spacers. Its superior glow finish produces long-lasting flash at all light levels following exposure to natural or UV light this is one of the brightest glow lures on the market! P.O. Please DO NOT contact us to sell your traps, supplies, etc. Closeout Jigs; Closeout Spin & Buzzbait Heads; Closeout Blades & Spoons; Closeout Hooks; . Color: Brown with Black Knee Pads/Trim Fax: 5073592472 Northern Freeze Dried Paste Lure - Red Fox, Wolf Creek #1 Coil Spring 4x4 Trap Double Jaw, Rocky Footwear Embroidered Logo Baseball Cap. Ideal for trolling and casting techniques. Trapping Supplies Offering a full line of trapping supplies including tools, accessories and more. Follow Trapperchick on her coyote line as she tears up the coyotes with foothold traps while she performs predator control for deer, turkey and quail management. Heres a proven method for storing your leftover trapping baits, urines and lures for next years season. Pre mixed to take the guess work out of which bait or lure to get or how much of each bait and lure . Control your baits depth and feel, frictionless material slides freely. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.1. Not recommended for indoor use. We buy collections of trapping and hunting magazines, books, ect. Online Special! Steck's Kicker Coon Lure is designed for use with dog proof raccoon traps and is also excellent for any kind of coon trapping. Fishing *CLOSEOUT* CHUBBS 3/8OZ 2 LOUD SHAD SINKING LURES (ONLINE ONLY) $ 2.49. The CMMG's Resolute lineup is engineered with purpose for those who refuse to compromise on quality. Inspired by classic field coats, the 80% wool/20% nylon shell is naturally breathable and stays warm even, TheASURE set clamp iseasily attached to any110 Bodygrip trap. Predator Control Group The Hammer, Coyote, Fox, Bobcat Trapping Lure PCG, Predator Control Group ENRAGER, Beaver Lure. If it does somehow get upside down all you have to do is stop your retrieve and it will roll back over. Fishing *CLOSEOUT* CABELAS CHARTREUSE SLIDING BOTTOM BOUNCERS - 12 PACK $ 1.00. Eagle Claw Chenille Crappie Jigs These jigs are great for catching all types of panfish including crappies, bluegill, and perch. //