VerPetridure Clearance Buy Two Save 50% Modern Colorful Dachshund Crafts Home Living Room Wine Cabinet Decoration Ornament Painted Dachshund Statue Product Description This is for all the parents who love their babies. Then hell run and get Hank to let him know that its food time. Her user name is @starbox.moonpie. Better now, but shes not bonded to me anymore. Everyone should! Hi Personally, we don't have a set time that the dogs go out (like 1 pm, 5 pm, etc.) Kane was in the kitchen barking at his mom because he knew there were more cucumbers on the counter that he so desperately wanted. If so what do you think of them? +380 5662 2 11 86. contact us by email, if you have any proposals. I stayed with him until the end and I was the last thing he saw before he left. He told me he never worn it in another dog again he couldnt go through the loss but I had my baby and new he needed one to love also. Due to work I am currently separated from my 7 yr old wiener dog Bella. She has to be with me at all time, no matter what I am doing. I know I can find him at the next available human hand though. Original Price 5.23 My first Doxie Miss Weenie was extremely smart! I just towel dry them when they come in. I would add that keeping to a daily strict time schedule will help more than anything. Anyway, after canoeing, he played Ill be your friend to a jack russell and wagged his tail, they sniffed each other and while wagging his tail he went up to poor jack russell and *chomp*. Rocky has been passed on from two previous owners as a result of fear biting. Some mornings it looks like a poop party went on in there and some mornings shes done good. It was super frustrating at first but I adapted the way we do things (like take him out more, deny access to certain spots in the house, etc.). aka jazz the spazzvet thinks she might have a hint of ADHD. Also, I always adopted my Dachsies during warm weather. He may eventually learn to bond with your wife too, especially if she is able to give him lots of undivided attention and playtime. I cant tell you how much I have enjoyed reading all the comments on here as I had no idea what to expect. Besides IVDD and back or neck issues, Dachshunds are prone to some other health issues too. She was fostering 3 mixed breed dogs. Yours certainly isnt the first story Ive heard like it. I will never stop grieving him I dont think. Dont all dogs follow their person from room to room? I only work with companies and product I truly love though. She does run with me and we get a lot of exerciseso maybe shes just tired. Chester is a little more aloof and bossy in his old age but Gretel certainly looks into my soul with her eyes . Needless to say, Jack is a tad on the heavy side (I watch his food intake and exercise closely) while Hank is a tiny skinny mini. I remember sitting on the bed (I am a grown man of nearly 40) crying my eyes out next to him and he just kept nodding his little head with the most loving stare I had ever seen him give me. We have had 12 dachshunds in the 56 years we have been married (always 2 or 3 at a time, average live span 15.5 years) and have had 3 major back operations. I love watching the antics of Chester and Gretel. Once the pup uses the pad consistently, take the used, but not with b.m. You are going to have to put in a lot of overtime cuddling. Our little puppy is just the opposite, shes always getting into something and then we get onto her and she rolls onto her back kicks her little feet at you and you cant stay mad at her. My Doxies still poop inside when its raining sometimes. We had a doxie mix, and I can definitely relate to some of the behavior and health issues, as well as the quirks. He has an enlarged heart i love him. Ive admired what you guys do for a long time but have never actually talked with anyone from the group. Fast shipping and buyer protection. This is the first dachshund I have ever owned and he was given as a giftno research. He would kiss with long strokes on my cheek n sometimes would stop mid stroke, tounge still stuck to my cheek n just ponder the moment, doxies are always thinking. He may have a urinary tract infection or it may be incontinence that can be managed by medication. He was on this earth for 16 years. Hi Harriette. I just lost my little Doxie of ten years, her name was freckles and she had the same coloring as autumn leaves. Our kids who are young adults now were devastated as was my wife and I. I have lost several dogs as pets in the past but she was a first for my family. My world revolved around him n now dont know wht to do. Many Dachshund owners lovingly refer to their Doxies paws as Frito feet because of this. If so, how do you deal with it? 113.65, 142.06 Nita, Awww, thats cute. "I'd rather get a hot dog or a doughnut than write a song." John Prine. yes, indeed my Dachshunds think all food is for them. ? Im not much of a dog person anyways, my husband and my kids r tho. Yes we have five mini doxies who now live in the mountains of Cyprus with us ( before it was Israel) they bark if they cant get into a certain room, whine to get on the bed wiggle theirs buts and make there most interesting noises idf they know there is some tiny Morsel hidden some where the noises they use mean something different and its so amusing but also smart. Its like the dog is saying, This human isnt strong enough to defend his/herself. When dog has done this with me as being the defended, I will poke them firmly in a rib (like if you tap someone on the shoulder) and it will knock them out of that mindset. Even then, some never become best friends they just peacefully tolerate each other. He started patting heavy to. I can say that Dachshunds almost always get along with other Dachshunds (I know this from observing members of my Doxie club for 5 years) and have less of an issue with dogs similar to their own size. Chiweenies are super cute! I did not like dogs in the house. I have not written an article about this but here is one that could help: Dachshund may certainly be more challenging than some breeds but are less challenging than others. But I rescued another doxie from the humane society. After much consideration, I agreed to bring Moseby home and he has been here for about 3 weeks. Yes, they both can get into trouble and you never know which one was the culprit!! We have a German shepherd and she bosses him around. All I have to go on is when my girl went down. Next door to my neighbor, there is a dog who provoked him to go to play with him. They are really loving dogs, but I honestly had no idea how much work it would be. He never had bad separation anxiety so that didnt freak him out. : . Thank you for posting so much information. Can you direct me to a place that might specialize in the breed that try to get them adopted? We have 4 dogs. Summit lovesthis squeakie ball and would probably chase it endlessly if I let her. I try to give them attention but they want it ALL the time, and I need my space. Each one have their own personalities and I adjust to each one individually. If you think that is the reason. Any advise or should I not worry about her? I just got a mini. Oh, hes on the sofa looking at me with those big eyes. In the end, you will likely have to adjust your routine a little to set them up for success and make sure they, and you, are happy. How To Resolve Aggressive Behavior Issues: 1. Luckily where I live, we have mobile vets that are less costly than stand alone vet clinics and this helps tremendously with the charges. Fairly inconsistent behaviour.. I have definately been extremely close a number of times to giving her away because of this, but as she is so stinking adorable (and a little reassurance from my man) I have decided to keep her. I wish I knew our dogs history, but we didnt get him until he was 14 months. T-Bone chose me for his owner. But if you really want a second anyway, go for it. There is more information out there about the resource guarding of food or other objects then humans but similar principles can apply. Committing to a doxie truly requires a dedication and a degree of patience that will teach the owner so much about themselves. One time I thought it would be a good idea to put a bench under our large livingroom window so Chester and Gretel could see out. Even when he cant see anything he can still apparently hear a leaf hit the grass in our yard and needs to let me know. They fiercely love their people. Ive tried everything I feel like, and at this point I think part of its anxiety due to the fact that she will pee and poop in the car if you leave her (even for two minutes), and she will defacate on the carpet in the house if we leave even for two minutes to smoke. Almost every Doxie I know is reactive in some way toward big dogs at one time or another. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. So different from my Sheltie and Brussels Griffon, stubborn in a way that is hard to describe. I love the breed, but Nola has absolutely ruined me for all other dachshunds. Those are usually the two most common causes of aggression in dogs. I have been so impressed at my doxies sensitivity to both animals. Please check with your veterinarian to get recommendations for your own dog. Thank you for the lovely article If we were to get a puppy is there scope to train him/her to spend more time alone, maybe 3/4 hours at a time or is this likely to lead to massive separation anxiety? Nicklaus is also very sociable, he has a special bark for the neighbor that means come open the gate I want to visit. And as far as dauschund being smart they are problem solvers, now at the age of seven he has learned to un-zip any bag that he can stick his nose . YOU are their pack. As far as a antidote to aging, sadly there isnt one. Looking over them, there he washad killed a huge RAT! They still appeal to me, and this is totally an aesthetic preference which I know carries with it some breeding complications, but I love the dappled ones. I truly believe that recognizing when its time for a beloved pet to go, and being willing to let them go, is the last, greatest, most noble thing you can do for a pet. Ive owned 3 so far in my lifetime and let me say they are just like children none are the same lol They are also not for the faint of heart either but they are amazing and i wouldnt have it any other way!! Kitzel is pregnant, and the father is a Yorkie, cause Im absolutely mad about Dorkies. Its hard to say for sure. thats a great article with lots of tips and theyre all very true Ive had a miniature long haired dachshund for the last 40 years Im on my third right now and it gets better and better and just a couple little things I want to share I. He was my first dog and simply the best dog ever. They can also lick themselves to cool down any flare-up on their skin as their saliva can feel soothing. I am finally happier! Since Dachshunds hunt using scent, I have no doubt he gave that rabbit what for even though his eyesight if failing . The LD loves to get the mini to play with her. She puts her paws up around her neck, bites her legs, and pushes her physically around. I can picture him running back and forth chasing birdies on the other side of the window. I lost my 12 yr old Joey 3 days back.bouts of vomitting n before we cud get help he was collapsing. Youll see ad results based on factors like relevancy, and the amount sellers pay per click. You wont know if your Dachshund has IVDD unless they rupture a disk because at this point there are no test for IVDD that are 100% accurate. My daughters is a mini and ours is a small standard, 18 lbs. They want to jump all over me but I sit on the floor to get all of the excited hellos out of the way so they are not jumping up on me. This website may collect anonymous but general demographic information about you when you visit, click ads, or leave a comment. I cant say for sure but it sounds like a combo of separation anxiety and fear aggression because hes meeting so many unfamiliar people. Dnepropetrovsk City Orphanage. I dont have any information about breeding on my site because I am not a breeder and dont have any experience with it. The few tips in the article are good. However, there are a few rescues that operate throughout the entire US or in a significant part. The other thing is to perhaps change your thinking on her bahavior. She sounds like she is choking after drinking water. Your pups issue sounds more more a territory/marking issue than a classic potty training issue. Without him, I feel lonely and empty. Sadly, not all people love dogs, so we are forced to take great control of him because the lady has warned me that she will hurt the dog if he goes there to destroy her flowers and her small bloody garden. These comments arent read often by many people but the Facebook page is very active. ..they dont ask for much just loved fed & watered, petted and playtime. Its not Dachshund specific. Then she proceeded to run around and show everyone how cute he was with his back end flailing in the wind. I would love to know more about dachshunds so I can take better care for my Spike. Usually if you have a male and a female- they will mate (even if spayed). Do you have a Facebook or means of contact. It takes a lot of patience and consistency, especially if they are young. Hi Jessica. Its not something to worry about but may be something you want to discourage (like blocking, or moving the furniture she stands on from, the window). It takes a VERY well trained dog to ALWAYS come when called and Dachshunds, which are a hound, will often choose to follow their nose when they smell something irresistible. I dont want to take him back to the shelter. I just knew they were adorable and since I have raised other puppies I just assumed they would be the same. We are at our wits end. I was glad to read how long they live, because I cannot imagine life with this doxie now. Ive been looking around. Almost three months ago, I watched my dachshund drowned. Hello, Words: 3,270. 1 2022 . I have two Mini Doxies. I have just gotten my second Dachshund my adorable little Daxan, who was the light of my life I sadly had to put down a month ago. We have a miniature, long-haired dachshund, named Katie. Christopher was only 25 I lost my beloved Miss Weenie on Dec. 12 of 2008; only 5 months later She went into acute CHF & I had to have her put on the path to the Rainbow Bridge. She understands everything I say to her and she tells me things to in her own little way. If I knew she was going to be the devil to potty train (or train whatsoever!) Im glad you found my blog and thanks for sharing your story. I can tell you this there is no other more loyal to his or her person than a Dachshund. She loved him but we r the ones took care of him. The first time that happened I thought I had broken them. I eventually hired a trainer who made it clear that the issue was actually with me. And of course shes under the covers at the bottom of our bed. My Chester forgot his potty training a couple of years ago at 14. Hi Suzie. Just from what youre saying, though, Im afraid Kitzel is going to give birth in the bed we just bought, which absolutely cannot happen (just bought a Sleep Number, NOT cheap), so Im going to have to sleep upstairs on the futon in the guest room for a while. Kongs stuff animals are great for my dachshund. If I take my eye off her she will go inside. I keep him in a pen, with wee pads when I am not home (with classical music and kong toy as treats) and he is using the wee pads and did so for 2 weeks.. Now its getting worse in the evenings when he is out of the pen and when we are playing, the chewing, totally ignoring NO command, peeing wherever and today he even peed on his empty food bowl! But believe me, if hes unwatched for 5 minutes he will destroy somethingBasically I would need to watch him for over 5 hours non-stop and say NO a zillion times and redirect his attention to his toy. She was a little person in a dog suit. Make sure the cat(s) have plenty of high places where they can get away from the dogs; cat structures, catshelves etc. Ha. Potty training has been a struggle but we are getting there! Hes definitely losing vision and hearing, and his mobility aint what it used to be. Not only did I have to adjust to the personality and neediness of a dog compared to a cat, I had to deal with a Dachshund! Every sentence is a riot. Knowledge is power and it makes for a happy healthy life for both you and your Dachshund. Also, she mostly poops but here and there she will pee in the house. One of the two that has passed was also a long hair and very easy to house train. 20 and 23 years? Both dogs were difficult to house train. Im a HUGE proponent of getting a dog used to a crate in case they have to be crated in an emergency situation (like natural disaster) or be put on strict crate rest after an injury. Original Price from 13.93 My biggest question is he does not care for being in an area that is closed off by a gate by himslelf for more than 2 and a half hours to 3 hours. The vet. If a dog starts that behavior, no matter what the breed (because it can happen with any breed, although Dachshunds do tend to be afraid of kids more so than some others), I would consult with a trainer or behaviorist to get ahead of the situation. Let me know if you have any other questions. From cakes, fruits, and cookies to a miniature. It expands in the bellies. I have written many articles on my blog explaining more. Thanks. Pupford freeze-dried meat training treats, Crumps Naturals Freeze Dried Beef Liver Training Treats, refuse to go outside in the cold and rain to potty, what to do when your old dog starts peeing in the house here, Harnesses are safer for Dachshunds than collars when walking, review of these great harness for active Dachshunds, The Truth About Dachshunds and Back Problems, > See the Full List of My IVDD Articles, Information, and Resources HERE <, not fragile beings that should be kept inactive, Dachshund suddenly becomes paralyzed or has trouble walking. Wonderful article! My wirehaired mini red dachsen Hans growls and howls at me when I come home. I am currently using a Pawsaway Zone alarm. I always assumed Dex would make it to 20, but now Im not sure if it will happen. With that being said, there is ONE place I sometimes let my dog off leash (I let go of the leash but she drags it so I can step on it to catch her quickly if needed) and that is the beach if there is a cliff on one side. You also might want to seriously consider looking at Petco their brand of dog litter is the best and they make litter box for dogs usually for small Audreys miniature Docksin works perfect my dog now right at the present uses his litter box and this is the first docs and Ive had that is 100% range and hes been that way since I got him its very easy. If she does, its usually because I missed her signals that she needed to go out. We just got her 6 months ago as a puppy. Hi, Hi Im Joy, I have a Standard long haired, I had him at 12 weeks old I was told he was blind, so I got every thing you would need for that condition , he at first could not tell difference between glass door or things that were moved, but I took him to my vet who to,d me after examination he, like a baby had a squint so his brain couldnt effectively tell the difference between certain things, but he was house trained by the age of 20 weeks, and could retrieve named toys on command he loved the game, he is now 9years and still a loveable but has his own stubborn ways loves the beach our garden backs onto it. Honestly I could not imagine a life without a Dachshund in it. He died on the table. Anyway, I can tell you love Dexter very much and take very good care of him. Ha, ha. Its worth trying! Hes 10yrs old now and is totally a Daddys boy lol. Just stand in one place until she goes potty. Thanks for sharing. 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