For instructions regarding how to sign up or sign in to our new forum, please click here. For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. Speed inconsistencies. . An alternative term for Destructive Capacity which has more direct meaning: The Destructive Capacity that an attack is equivalent to. For statistics I will only mention the case of Rimuru including Stricking Strength, durability and speed. Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable to the speed of the explosion from the ki sphere which SSG Goku and Beerus created in their final clash, which threatened to engulf the entire universe in mere moments) | Massively FTL+ ( At least 196 quadrillion c, likely far higher) | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ | Massively FTL+ ( At least 196 quadrillion Characters or objects that can destroy a small city, or those who can easily harm characters with small city level durability. Welcome to Joke Battles Wiki. run fast enough that the earth lifts off the ground with each step? Characters or objects that can create/destroy very small stars. Man, is it outdated. In addition, enraged Josuke in the profiles partially scales to calm Jotaro Hi, today I have a proposal for changing this calculation. In this instance it should be written as Solar System level, higher with that ability or technique. This isn't much of anti-feat yes, though context might point otherwise. I know it's requirements and all, but how would an immeasurable fight considering they can dodge attacks struck and that kind of stuff. Blitzing is different than outpacing, where a character is simply faster than the other. So this character can literally hit a meteorite in the air, he scales to Meteorite speed? Speed Brawl is a stylish, high-speed, 2D combat-racer where players must maintain momentum while crushing through hundreds of deadly enemies. m = 120kg I think the section could do with a bit of rewording Find the distance the character covered. Time Stop does not grant a user infinite speed, nor does otherwise slowing down time increase somebody's speed rating. When it was first introduced in August 1941, it quickly proved to be superior in all but turn radius to the Royal Air Force (RAF) front-line fighter, the Spitfire Mk. The Seraphim is a Seraph and one of Father's favorite which should make him comparable to or even superior to other Seraphs. Thank you! The Human Brain is capable of processing around 60 bits of information per second. Characters or objects capable of exerting force comparable to that of more athletic humans, such as trained fighters or generally physically fit individuals. The "+" symbol can also be used if there exists a calculation extremely close to the arithmetic mean, and characters scale above the calculated feat by a wide margin, for example being able to defeat enemies on such levels with a single casual attack. Keep in mind that certain tiers do not necessarily correspond to the destruction of their namesakes in any meaningful fashion. Such calculations need a feat that demonstrates perception time and a suitable distance determined from that feat. If you have already registered once, do not do so again, and contact AKM sama if you encounter any problems. Characters or objects that can destroy an island, or those who can easily harm characters with island level durability. If you're in the atmosphere there's probably more leniency. The reaction speed of a character also tends to be higher than their movement speed. The Iron Man armour used doesn't have any Massively FTL+ scaling VS Battles Wiki 31,286 pages Explore Information Featured Pages Guidelines Community in: Important, Terms Attack Potency View source 0 of 4 minutes, 55 secondsVolume 0% 04:53 Watch 04:55 Chainsaw Man English Dub Cast Reveals Inspirations Behind Character Voices Articles about Statistics Explanation Pages He should probably scale to Suiryu, who is Hypersonic. The following is a comprehensive overview of the hierarchical system which this wiki utilizes in order to properly categorize and index fictional characters, entities, and objects based on the scale of their feats, and the varying scopes which they can affect or create/destroy. Thank you for your cooperation, and your help to improve this wiki. I mean, literally every second Stand in Part 5 has MFTL speed (Even Koichi's Stand, I remember, is comparable to Giorno's Stand). So i recently made a calc about Mebiuss extremely fast feat in which he traveled to the Land of Light in just a few seconds, and it was pretty uncontroversial and it seems to already be revised. We have a new automated signup system for our wiki members, with a procedure that must be exactly followed in order to register. [2] Jotaro Kujo (Eyes of Heaven) / Heaven Ascension DIO ( Surperior to MIH and GER by a large margin and consistently blitz each other on multiple occasions) 4. For more information, Infinite speed characters are so fast, they move faster than time can flow at any period. Well, the colored text, "outperforming supercomputers", immediately raises the implication that anyone that can think faster than a Mjolnir and Time However, in a Timeless Void, time does not exist, making Time = Not Applicable. We do have a content filter in place that prevents our members from posting various ethnic, sexist, and religious slur words, but please still try to be extremely careful to avoid them (including misspelled versions, with separated letters, or even by quoting somebody else) or the Fandom staff might globally block you for very long periods of time. Though the nature of their existence makes fighting and harming them difficult for conventional fighters, requiring the use of abilities capable of affecting their entire being, as well as the ability to dodge their potentially omnipresent attacks, it is not necessarily impossible, as an omnipresent character's reaction time may still be limited. But crucially, this does not grant any movement; at most, it allows the user to activate a thought-based ability. The main purpose of this forum is to discuss how to properly index the statistics of characters from a wide variety of different fictional franchises. When he stops doing so, he one-shots Iron Man in four in-universe seconds. What is the speed where you do something so fast that you dont even remember how you did it? Speed Blitz is the act of one attacking their opponent before they are capable of perceiving or reacting to them. The typical example of such cases of travel/flight speed that doesn't necessarily scale to reactions is space travel. He is a Malaysian boy that was granted the power of the elements by a Power Sphere known as Ochobot. This is why the speed cannot be measured. But such details are only known to those who can travel through additional spatial dimensions. can someone clear this up for me if its wrong. Interaction with immeasurable/omnipresent, What powers or abilities can grant Immensurable speed? what is the speed of outrunning a black hole that traps time? According to this page, the immeasurable speed is as follows: A character of immeasurable speed can have this speed, but he will not use, at any moment in the history of that verse, to go to the past or the future. Characters or objects that can destroy a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with large mountain level durability. Feat On the other hand, if a character or characters are described as "beings that transcend the time of the multiverse" or "who feel the flow of time in a way that does not exist for them." I would like to add immortality negation to Rimuru and Yuuki thanks to Beelzebub and Void God Azatoth. Yes, yes it is. Immeasurable Speed | VS Battles Wiki Forum This forum is strictly intended to be used by members of the VS Battles wiki. Originating as a nickname VS forum users would give to a certain technique they noticed in various superhuman fight scenes, the term speed blitz has since been a more widespread saying used to describe a popular trope in media. The reasons for our Human and Athlete level borders. This tier also includes characters who are vastly below this level, and all characters beneath this tiers requirements in any significant way will still be at this tier. We have moved to a new external forum hosted at If you need help from the staff, you can use the following options: We are looking for new members to be a part of our staff, and would appreciate help from our community with finding competent and reliable people. Characters or objects that can destroy a small planet or those who can easily harm characters with small planet level durability. I got permission from Ant to make this (I think) Also, kindly remember that Attack Potency is the measure of Destructive Capacity of an attack, and as such, is measured via its energy damage equivalent. Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. This was initially gonna be a calc downgrade to High 7-C if it got accepted, but @TheRustyOne pointed out other problems with both calcs and another one. If a guy flew across the galaxy, it doesn't mean he can always move at light speed all the time. and char B has a Rail speed of 50 and is able to move FTE from an opponent whose speed is equivalent Therefore, the suggested time it would take Back again with another thread. Do we rate some infinite speed feats as higher in comparison to other infinite speed feats? What we will upgrade is what level we will use to upgrade. That is reaction speed. I would like some changes to be made to Rimuru's and Yuuki's abilities and stats. Here are the results for the recalculation. This thread is only attempting to review and correct some honest mistakes and add some more What Tier would LN Hinata fall in+her speed (up to latest volume) i know that they aren't officially translated yet. Its like immeasurable sonic meeting anti spiral. Faora-Ul travel speed: Subsonic to Supersonic, My Hero Academia: Low-Tiers Speed Upgrade, Immeasurable speed characters should have passive abilities by default, A potential fix for MFTL+ to improve user experience, Speed Question Regarding Higher Dimensions & the gap between Universes, Revision to the speed tiering(yes the speed tiering), Yet another Hunter x Hunter speed revision. If character A can blitz character B, A's movement speed may be scaled to B's reaction speed. I've seen the sentiment echoed in a few places (by @Wokistan off-site, by @KingTempest in this thread) that the difference between reaction speed and combat speed is that combat speed involves physical movements (such as dodging). As the bullet moves at such a fast pace, the victim is unable to react to or even see the bullet coming at them. The speed could be immeasurable because the tier of that structure is 1-C or this speed will depend on the context. So i propose it here again for it to be applied Infinity Ultron's speed is speed | VS Battles Wiki Forum This forum is strictly intended to be used by members of the VS Battles wiki. Please can you drop scans which if their speed feat scales above that wave? VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Note that, if the High 1-B structure in question is a hierarchy of levels of existence, then simply being at the top of such a hierarchy does not qualify a character for this tier without more context, and an additional layer added on top of the "infinity-th" level of this hierarchy is likewise not enough. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. DB characters have a history of their travel speed scaling to their combat speed and reactions, being able to outpace their own ki attacks via travel speed alone and whatnot. For example, X character is hypersonic, but he can do an attack that is a natural . In fiction, movement over long distances and movement over short distances - which can be dubbed "combat distances" - tend to be remarkably different for different characters, resulting in serious discrepancies when considering their overall speed. Why does Ladybug scale to Cat Blanc's FTL beam? Where did Raiden get the sub-relativistic speed base stat for his MGR:R key? Reaction speed has both a distance and a timeframe component, so all calculations that are completed for reaction speed cannot simply be a timeframe by itself. Due to the fact that the distance between any given number of universes embedded in higher-dimensional / higher-order spaces is currently unknowable, it is impossible to quantify the numerical gap between each one of the subtiers in Tier 2. I will come to explain and address that point. Various iterations of the Leopard 2 continue to be operated by the armed forces . In terms of "dimensional" scale, this can be equated to 5 and 6-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 5 to R ^ 6), Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to three to five higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model. However, the bullet was already traveling before we see Shigaraki's second hand in the air. Indeed What speed is needed to create a vacuum? Characters or objects that demonstrate power equivalent to destroying/creating existentially inferior 2-D level constructs of any size, or 1 level of infinity/degree of reality/fiction transcendence or similar beneath a 3-D reality. The term " Speed " normally refers to Combat Speed . Timeless Voids, i.e. Does list implies also a characters with reaction of the speed instead of travel? Where is Inaccessible Speed on VS Wiki??? Dream is the founder of the Dream SMP and is the antagonist of many events of the SMP up until his surrender to pogtopia and he is known for causing the destruction of L'manburg during the Doomsday war with Technoblade and he appears commonly during events of the SMP. In the process of that a number of high-tier characters have had their speed set to unknown since we, the staff that makes the updates, of course can't know for every case which speed level they should scale to. There are 2 versions for this feat. Calcing running pace at incoming projectile? So it is intended as a description of a superior existence beyond conventional reality. If you have already registered once, do not do so again, and contact AKM sama if you encounter any problems. Characters or objects that can universally affect, create and/or destroy structures whose size is equivalent to a countably infinite number of qualitative sizes above a universal model, usually represented in fiction by endless hierarchies of layers of existence, each succeeding one completely trivializing the previous into insignificance, or more generally a space with countably infinite dimensions. Multiply this ratio by the speed of bullet. They are ~40 sextillion times the speed of light. Speed Massively Hypersonic+ (respond to black thunder) Higher (via Self Development) . This forum is strictly intended to be used by members of the VS Battles wiki. The probability of the justification in question for being reliable should be favourable. The timeframe it takes for a character to notice an event or reaction. VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. areas within a setting that lack time or exist outside of the flow of time, cannot be used to grant Infinite speed. Meaning that it is High Hypersonic+ feat Alovenus / Ruphas Mafahl ( Always gets infinitely faster over time and are superior to Benetnash) 2. The "peak human" guy can dodge bullets. 3 years is 9.461e+7 seconds. The speed tiers used have intersecting limits, and this may be confusing to some members. Speed Blitz is the act of one attacking their opponent before they are capable of perceiving or reacting to them. As @Therefir first correctly states; A recent debate occurred between my buddy Noodles and this TikTok debater on Inaccessible Speed and whether or not VS Battle Wiki actually had it on there Sp. Destructive Capacity is the term used to determine the amount of damage a character can produce. The calculation assumes that the blast is omni-directional (spherical), as is generally the case in most fictional occurrences, and that the energy output is sufficient to destroy the entirety of the cosmic structure. Several years later, he would MAX Power Roshi from Dragon Ball should tie with Robonyan for number 1 on Sub-relativistic+ via, maybe who killed markiplier characters somewhere in hypersonic, was the nearly hypersonic+ or the mach 6.6 version of the longlegs calc accepted, I can't find it, but Wally is no longer faster. Game mechanics that exist just to make the game playable doesn't necessarily make characters weaker. BoBoiBoy became a superhero that defended his home from evil aliens, with the help of his friends. Character A has Large Mountain level durability, while Character B has Massively FTL speed but has Large Building Bakuzan's Speed wasn't updated. Please read our Welcome Message page, which summarises the most important instructions for new editors in this wiki. So unless you can make yourself into a form of pure energy, you can't move at light speed. No, Beerus reacted to and dodged the explosion, no wave was involved in this (We only calculated the speed of the actual explosion's speed as a result). Does anyone have any ideas 'cause I always thought that Luffy is like FTL while being incredibly close to FTL+ but that's it. VS battle wiki put's Afro Samurai as Subsonic because he was able to cut a bullet. Please only register if you have an autoconfirmed account there, as otherwise your registration will be rejected. That is, a higher-dimensional "bulk" space which embeds lower-dimensional ones (Such as our universe) as subsets of itself, whose dimensions are not microscopic / compactified. After over 1.5 years of debate we have finally reached enough staff consensus to perform the does destroying an infinite area within a time grant infinite attack speed? STEP 3. It is normally the deciding factor of VS matches along with Speed. Characters or objects that can create/destroy a solar system. "Live Free or Die" is the official motto of the U.S. state of New Hampshire, adopted by the state in 1945. For example, X character is hypersonic, but he can do an attack that is a natural beam of light, the speed . Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. They can dodge an attack that already has been struck, and they can strike someone even before they launched an attack. Assuming Super Saiyan God Goku as 1x baseline. At the very least, the meteor stuff should be taken into consideration. "If a character travels or flies very fast through a very empty terrain, in which it doesn't necessarily have to react to sudden obstacles, the speed in question is travel or flight speed, but not necessarily reaction speed. But it can often be difficult to pinpoint when exactly a speed advantage constitutes a "blitz." And destroying all the stars of the past is immeasurable? "Significantly affect" is here used as an umbrella term for feats that don't involve direct creation or destruction but are comparable to them in power, such as warping and distorting the entirety of the structure in question, sustaining its existence with one's own, etc. The probability of the justification in question for being reliable should be notable, but mild. V variant. Take note that, due to considerable problems with trolls and vandals, it is automatically required that our members wait for 4 days after first creating an account before they are able to edit, and they must also have a confirmed email address. Crossing between Universes and Higher Dimensions Hi Everyone Speed = (Distance)/ (Time) The unit for Distance is measured in meters The unit for Time is measured in seconds The unit for Speed is measured in (meters/second), thus the exact definition of Speed in this case refers to the amount of distance an object moves divided by the amount of time it took to move that distance. Inspired by this post: There are five types of speed used for VS purposes: Attack Speed, Combat Speed, Reaction Speed, Travel Speed, and Flight Speed. One somewhat similar example of a "blitz" in real life would be a person getting shot. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Available on PS4, XBOX One, Steam, Switch, and Kartridge. Where we analyze and discuss the most ridiculous of memes, OC's, and parodies in order to find the best of the worst! Omnipresence must be specified in conjunction with the scale. For this revision, i will only be focusing on pre timeskip, so any post timeskip questions will have to wait until I post that thread. Currently misused to an extraordinary degree on the wiki, the "+" symbol should be used when the Attack Potency has been calculated to be greater than the average (arithmetic mean) of the high end energy level and low end energy level of a particular tier. In this scan, its hard to say how much distance he moved in that nanosecond. The formula is: I was engaging in a convo offsite and someone brought my attention to the travel speed section Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. Irrelevant Deletion Follow up Thread (Simple Speed Additions), Question about speed regarding Outerverse level and higher, Infinite Speed Question (Flight and Reactions). The main concern of this thread are the characters currently scaling to Transonic reactions and combat speed from Mineta, which consist of mostly the students from the first saga, like Deku. Fictions tend to prove this fact by the attacks and/or movement of characters not starting and finishing simultanously, even if the characters are moving a finite distance, despite the fact that this should be the case for infinitely fast characters. While Omnipresence is, strictly speaking, not speed, it is listed as a speed statistic due to behaving in combat similarly to how normal speed would. So in this wiki, in certain cases, we scale characters reaction or combat speed to the travel speed of some character, like character A tagging a speedster (character B). But this thread isn't a straight up revolution on the entire speed tier of HxH like the past threads were, if my reading is correct. Pi number = 3.141592653589793 it goes on forever If you divide it by 2, it will still be infinite, but as a value. The values for High 5-A and above are obtained from here. out to 5680200000 bits. If Character B dodges it is considered aim dodging since he/she knew that the attack was going to happen. For information regarding the procedure that needs to be exactly followed to register there, please click here. If you have already registered once, do not do so again, and contact AKM sama if you encounter any problems. Characters or objects capable of creating and/or destroy multiple galaxies when the space between celestial objects is taken into account as well. If a character's speed is Subsonic, is the object thrown by it also Subsonic? What? Would they be able to get the 5th spot or nah? Iron Man has a Massively Hypersonic+ Mori kicks all of Satan's clones in 100 picoseconds: Massively FTL+ (5150000000000000000000c - Scales to Jeahbongchim 250,000x Mori Jin) These characters are completely transcendent to even those that have absolute power over a single infinite hierarchy of levels of infinity. Find the ratio between the distance the character covered and the bullet covered. Many revision threads tend to also get raided by the same group of detractors using faulty logic supported by staff to prevent certain upgrades or new abilities passing through Dragon Ball is obviously extremely popular for battleboarding and, as a result, has a massive fanbase on the VS Wiki . Said distance is often unknown as it could be anywhere between much smaller than the Universal radius and infinite. And it's in the sextillion range. JavaScript is disabled. Which of these two descriptions would be correct for a being with immeasurable speed? I was looking at a calculation Therefir posted on his blog, and there seems to be an issue with the timeframe. You are using an out of date browser. As I noticed, a Low 6-B Being infinitely stronger than this level, unless uncountably so, does not qualify for any higher tier. Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. Summary Mario, also known as Speedrunner Mario, is one of the protagonists of TerminalMontage's videos known for Mario 64 Speedrun video, World of Light video, and Super Mario World video, alongside characters such as Kirby, Link, and Fox. Characters or objects that can create/destroy a large star. Hypothetical science and ideas are allowed (negative mass, dark matter's properties, etc), and every listing in the comments should have a source given to it. Below Average Human (0-5 m/s) Normal Human (5-7.7 m/s) Athletic Human (7.7-9.8 m/s) Peak Human (9.8-12.51 m/s) Qualifying speed of an Olympic. Credits to VS Battles Wiki Speed is simply how fast a character can move in a given amount of time. Please only register if you have an autoconfirmed account there, as otherwise your registration will be rejected. IX in July 1942 restored qualitative parity. Speed Racer is the titular hero from the 1960s anime of the same name. And they can do all of this via sheer speed. Valid reasons for contributions and power-scaling should be displayed, and if possible, calculation links for feats. One somewhat similar example of a "blitz" in real life would be a person getting shot. He has a fascination with speedrunning, which allowed him to gain reality warping powers. Some attacks can even be temporally but not spatially omnipresent, and these attacks do not necessarily move through space at Infinite or Immeasurable speeds. Keep in mind, sometimes a person aim dodges and it is not as good of a feat. Since this was for the actual dispersal of the cloud and not the speed of the ball, i will use 1.5 and 2 seconds as low-high ends (and an extra 1 second edd for a high high end) to add to the fact that since the moment the ball was shot a kid managed to . This character after gaining the "Super Speed" boots was so fast that it is stated "Sound is nothing close to his speed" and in this scene everyone is basically frozen in time because of it. Statistics I will come to explain and address that point of creating and/or destroy multiple galaxies when the between., today I have a proposal for changing this calculation into consideration from the 1960s anime the... Not do so again, and contact AKM sama if you encounter speed vs battle wiki problems I will only mention case. For instructions regarding how to sign up or sign in to our new forum, please click here that time... Human Brain is capable of processing around 60 bits of information per.! 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