Training Tip: As always, with a recovery point, this is a good place to train, especially since there's a boss battle coming up soon. You'll enter a part of the moon, then you'll seem to be inBale? The one saving grace that comes with this powerful enemy is that he tends to attack your characters with attacks that share the same element base as the character he is attacking (when using single-enemy attacks). Check in between the barrels for a (1) Stardust. Go back down and down and take the other teleporter on the right. Afterwards, head southwest to the Forest and then to Kazas, the capital of Imperial Sandora. Head back up and out the back of the house. You may want to save. The triangle button is used to open the main menu and sort lists of items. It also persists past the end of battle. Training Tip: Do not shy away from battles in this area. Kongol's character is severely underdeveloped in my opinion, but he seems to be good-hearted and to have a desire to prove himself. Follow them on up (to the right is a chest containing a Meteor Fall) and into the next area. You then gain both the Divine Dragoon Spirit and the Dragon Buster. Then go up and get a Burn Out. Go back out. Enjoy the FMV's. The first chest contains 20 gold. You'll get a Flash Hall for winning this fight, and the treasure chest where his soul was floating contains a Destone Amulet. In the area where you land, the sparkle is the White Silver Dragoon Armor. If you use any Fire-Based Attack Items, have Meru throw them. These items are incredibly useful, speeding up a character, slowing an enemy, powering up a character, weakening an enemy, etc. Battle Prep: Equip Miranda with a Magical Ring or an Attack Badge. Especially helpful will be your Psychedelic Bomb X, Power Up, Power Down, and Speed Down. This is the mode where you're trying your best to deal damage. Here go up the stairs and into the tower directly above the entrance. Having launched the law, you can now get out of here and you will no longer be arrested. Her greatest weakness is her physical defense, which is why I proposed bringing Albert into this battle. Continue on a little bit, and a conversation ensues when Rose and Meru leave the rest of the party to run some "errands." He is low on HP, but fierce on physical attack and defense. The Windigo does not have a low Magic Defense, but some magic attacks from Haschel's Dragoon lineup may be useful as well. After this battle, Lavitz gets his battle with Lloyd and loses. Continue up and then take a left. You cannot use this option in a boss battle. Follow Fester to the guard and into the castle. Changed the Stardust List to chart form. Make sure you save before this battle, and seriously, make sure you're completely ready before you engage. On the last level, you only get one round of feedback. Spend the first half of the battle guarding, at least whenever Lavitz is facing you. As a result, be extra sure to boost all magic defenses as much as possible. Keep going to Damia's tower. Despite Kongol's horrific magic attack, using the Psychedelic Bomb X still does decent damage to Indora because of his low magic defense. Bewitchment does not persist past the end of battle. Chase the creature around the circle until you touch it and it hops away. Her high Magic abilities make her excellent in combat, combined with her top speed, enabling her to get in more hits. In this case, it's probably better to equip whichever Addition has a higher DAM%, regardless of whether it's level 5. I am the god who purifies the world! A couple things to keep in mind when using Attack Items First of all, make sure you throw them with the character in your party with the highest Magic Attack. After he leaves, follow him to the right. See here to see which ones you may have missed. After three tries, the bandits give up, and another stronger bandit comes to pick a fight. Exit on the left. After the battle, the thief Mappi manages to steal the Red-Eyed Dragoon Spirit from Dart. In particularly sticky situations, or ones where I just need to get the upper hand, I'll use these things to help me out. In that case, going defensive is necessary to defeat him. Occasionally, Dart tries to talk to Lavitz; be sure to let him do so. However, the final Addition of each character is meant to solve both these problems. As with Feyrbrand and Greham, focus on the dragon first. Go inside the house and up the ladder. Guarding is extremely useful as you can heal someone to the maximum even if they are in red, or even save their life. If you throw magic attacks (with the recommended party), be sure to have Dart do it. This battle consists of a Gangster and two Crafty Thieves. Use this to your advantage. Fruegel has an incredibly high attack and uses no magic attacks. Spirit Cloaks help in this situation (especially on Albert) because there's a decent chance the character wearing it might avoid the magic attacks. You must destroy each of the swords before you can attack Doel, but each sword with a well-trained Albert will only take one complete attack to destroy. You'll win a Healing Rain and a Halberd. If you have spent time training Albert, this battle is no problem at all. Not all of them have very many Additions. While this monster is taking the place of your character, it has two options: Attack and Special. While Shana's Magic Attack would be very useful in this battle, she simply would not hold up as well against Fruegel's powerful physical attacks. Before you get to the exit, you are roped into a lot more conversation, then some drama, and then some more conversation. Follow the path. Se il canale vi piace supportatelo ed aiuta. Make sure the Additions you have equipped are ones you can complete comfortably. When you are free to move, save if you like and then make to leave town. i Passed it 3 times on it from begining to END !! Choose "South of Serdio," and go down and enter Lohan. Now go save if you want and then go toward the merchant who was driving the cart. The rest of the battle has little strategy involved. Like Miranda's battle, you do not have to completely destroy Claire to defeat her. In the past, I have found it useful to focus the high attacks on Fruegel, while having lower attacks whittle down the wardens. The strategy you use in this game will depend most heavily upon you and the type of player you are. This sparks another event expressing how terrible the royalty of this country is. Go to the next screen. Go to the right to get a Warrior Dress for Haschel. If you plan to bring a magic user into battle, try boosting their Magic Attack with various Accessories. However, Kongol has learned from his mistakes. Each round, the balls will move one step closer to the party, and after three rounds, they explode, causing a decent amount of damage. Items: Phoenix Plume, White Silver Dragoon Armor, Moon Serenade, Sun Rhapsody, Healing Rain. Magically weak characters would appreciate Spirit Cloaks or the like. Battle Prep: Equip the Poison Guard you found earlier to someone in your party. Go back out and make to leave town. If you use magic attacks, have Dart use them. Axe found in shack in the field. If the next turn belongs to the enemy and there's a strong chance he could use an attack on Albert, especially a powerful magic attack, I'll heal him immediately so that he can survive it. But you don't have to do what I say, obviously, as you are the one playing it. Afterward, you can either walk out of the castle like a normal person or take the king's fancy little exit slide. We recommend saving your Dragoon transformations and not starting out with that immediately. Another issue is that he summons ice minions that attack the party and must be destroyed before they go away. It may be helpful to equip one or more characters with Bravery Amulets. Go directly across to the next room, where the characters help a man who rewards them with a Sapphire Pin. He wields the Golden Dragoon Spirit. All I owe for this goes to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior; my loving wife, Carla, who put up with me giving 90% of my attention to the game (I love you honey! Like I said, this may not be accurate 100% of the time, but it seems to be a fairly reliable way to tell. If no battles are near, the arrow is blue, and in between is yellow. Note: I recently read a thread from years ago on GameFAQs that seemed to indicate that the percentages in-game (where I got my information) may not be entirely accurate. And do whatever you can to boost Dart's magic defense. The Grand Jewel has a very high speed, attacking several times per round. This guide includes all the notes anyway. Sony PlayStation 1 PS1 Disc Only Tested The Legend of Dragoon Disc 3 Only BL. Use Meru to throw any magic Attack Items you may want, hopefully focusing on Fire-Based Attack Items. Battle Prep: You are about to enter into a very magic-based battle. Added sections to advise training and battle preparation. There's a short conversation that moves you to the next screen. Whenever you run into her, give her all the Stardust you have. After the conversation, reenter Dabas's shop. Here you'll have to answer some questions. Some spells that are both offensive and defensive, like Rose's Astral Drain, can be particularly useful. Boss battle difficulty comes in seven levels: (1) Extremely Easy, (2) Easy, (3) Moderately Easy, (4) Moderate, (5) Moderately Difficult, (6) Difficult, (7) Extremely Difficult. Some places, such as Hellena Prison and the Black Castle, don't have random battles like other places. Get the chest with 50 gold in it and talk to Dabas to stock up on items; it'll be a while before we reach another town. Don't forget to use other Repeat Items as well. This is your basic physical attack as a Dragoon. All games mentioned in this site are copyrighted by their respective producers and . When you are ready, go into the door to the left of the stairs leading below deck. Take the teleporter, get the chest with a Healing Fog, then take the other teleporter. The next morning, go back to the main teleporter, where the party is teleported to the Home of Gigantos. The digits "1689" have 24 combinations, and you only get to try 2 or 4 of them. Some of these weapons can be won from minor enemies; go here to search for them. It's also strongly possible that you destroy the Ghost Knights but not the Ghost Commander. Head to the left to get back to the Queen Fury, where you can get new weapons, stock up on items, and rest. This is what I recommend (repeated below in Mayfil): Other people have different favorite items to acquire, and using the money you get from Faust, you can buy whatever your heart desires. After some conversation, she asks if you want to stay the night. Get your minor enemies down to one (preferably weak) enemy and continuously guard until your characters are at full health. Speak to the guard to show him the pass for the valley and gain entrance. Also equip powerful Additions. The locations of the Moon are as follows: Grassland and Boreal Forest, Bale (Moon), Minintos Village, Gigantos Holy Land, Dragon Lair, Wingly Palace, and Moon's Core. When you're ready, continue left. For Stardust locations aboard the ship, see here. Whichever is the odd man out. The real person you need to talk to is Fester. To do so, go back to the area with the well, then the house to the left. Head back to where you started, which triggers a conversation. Even if you have the Morph set on "Short," the character that uses the Special will always show the long transformation. Dart is the only one who enters, and in the preparation room he is reunited with an old friend named Haschel who also entered. Just follow the path all the way back, getting on the first rock you see each time. A mysterious stone from Martel for gather, A certificate of law production in Zenebatos, When magically attacked, SP is accumulated, Revives from death with a given probability, When physically damaged, SP is accumulated, When magically damaged, SP is accumulated, Increases chance to evade physical attacks by 5%, Increases chance of evading all attacks by 5%, Increases chances of evading magical attacks by 5%, Raises chance of avoiding physical attacks by 20%, Raises physical attack and defense by 20 points, Raises chance of hitting with magic attacks by 30%, Raises chances of avoiding attacks by 20%, When magically damaged, MP is accumulated, Raises chances of avoiding magic attacks by 20%, Instantly kills enemy with a given probability, Goes on the defensive and blocks your attacks when he puts his weapons down; don't attack and, Begins by attacking in sequence: knee, thigh, chest, head; after this does a powerful attack that causes, It is impossible to beat him; he avoids all attacks; attack and/or. Here you find the spirit of our old friend Feyrbrand. Using Star Children on these bandits will be a glorious sight to see. Legislation Center: Frozen Jet, Burning Wave This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Afterwards, go back and give her the last of your Stardust. If you try instead "819" and get an attempts warning, you know that either the 8 or 1 is in the right spot, but the 9 is most definitely not. Speak to the Wingly near the save point to have him carry you to the next level. Battle Prep: Boost physical and magic defenses for your characters using various Accessories. And, of course, save. Navigate back through the guards. Items: Vanishing Stone (Martel), 100G, Wargod Calling, Satori Vest Once again, they're very useful. You can talk to these people and sometimes get some interesting information; but otherwise, they're just basically there to make the towns appear populated. Otherwise go to the top right. This would be an excellent place to train, especially since there is a save point further along. You should now be in the second save point/recovery area. This is actually how I usually go about it, and I only rely on Purifiers if the character is not yet a Dragoon or is incapable of transforming (like if they have 35 SP and they're Dispirited). Boss: Syuveil (Wind) When Imperial Sandora attacks Bale, Basil's capital, King Albert offers himself up as hostage to ensure that no people will be harmed. After this fight and the ensuing cinemas, you'll have a bit of interesting conversation and you will gain the Dragon Buster sword. If you equipped Talismans, this will be less of a problem. Items: Down Burst, Poison Guard, Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Protector, Frozen Jet, Active Ring, Flash Hall, Destone Amulet, Bravery Amulet, Magic Ego Bell, Healing Rain (x2), Halberd, Spectral Flash. This should depend on your enemies though, because if one more hit will kill one of your characters, you should heal them before this happens. If you are using low-HP members like Meru or Rose, a Physical Ring or Therapy Ring might be very helpful. Try to keep one, or even two, characters in human form (not Dragoon) for the duration of the battle. The house on the left contains more information about this strange substance if you're looking to learn. Hit his Core with additions. As always, Haschel's D-Attack is substantial, especially if his Additions are low-level. If you pick the right Additions for the battle you're in, your life will be much easier. When the merchant sees that it holds real value, he bumps the price up to 1000 gold, which unfortunately cannot be negotiated this time around. When you're ready, move on to the next area, where Zieg takes control of the Last Kraken to destroy the Signet Sphere. The stairs to the right lead to the weapon and item stores, if you need to stock up. Head north again. Give Miranda heavy Defense or HP boosters (like a Guard Badge or Giganto Ring, or Physical or Therapy Rings). Battle Prep: Equip one or more Talismans to your characters. Walkthrough Bahasa Indonesia Legend of Dragoon Ps1 - Walkthrough Game Indo Game RPG jepang yang rilis pada tahun 2000 ini sangat populer pada masanya, dengan jalan cerita yang panjang, dan tampilan visual yang bagus untuk versi ps1, berkisah tentang Dart si pemeran utama yang merupakan keturunan ras Dragoon. Up and out the back of the house on the first rock you see each time your! Are using low-HP members like Meru or Rose, a physical Ring or an Attack Badge event how! Respective producers and, have Dart do it is used to open the menu. Attack and Special preferably weak ) enemy and continuously guard until your characters your,... Persist past the end of battle there is a save point to have Dart use.! 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