Your descriptor defines your characterit colors everything you do. And thats it! 20 Your old trainer still expects you to come back and clean up after their classes; when you do, they occasionally share interesting rumors.22TypeFIFTH-TIER WARRIOR DEFENSE TASKS Remember that at higher tiers, you canChoose three of the abilities listed below (or Defense tasks are when a player makes a choose special abilitiesfrom a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. For example, they might know that for sneaking around, infiltrating places they dont their science fiction game, they want a type belong, and deceiving others. The group answered your cries for help thrown into the mix. You dont have to apply Effort if you dont want For example, lets say you have a mental blast to. You showed up when and where you did onthat character gains the benefit as if you were a dare because, hey, you dont back down fromtrained even if you are not trained or specialized the attempted task. The two of you get together weekly to chat and smoke. Theyre indebted to you, and their neighbors regard you as a hero. System Rulebook. Physical reflexes. something new. Your cruelty may be reserved for thosewho cross you or other people useful to you.You might have become cruel as the result of anintensely awful experience. Whether or not cyphers are physical objects, they are part of the character (like equipment or a special ability) and are things characters can use during the game. 11 Vigilance (196) WARRIOR BACKGROUND CONNECTION Your type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. In combat,them. You can do this one time, although the ability is 2. You probably Skill: Youre trained in defense rolls to resist makes for capable andpay attention to your appearance, keeping mental effects. This character will be11 Obstacle Running (167) a hardy soul who explores alien worlds. I pulled the contents of that In some ways, this book is a companion book together from the Cypher System games volume to a book that I wrote called Your Best that existed at the timeNumenera and The Game Ever. might see in their expression. Jens sorcerer is skilled with light 11 Invisibility (155) weapons, so she chooses a dagger. Trained, page 207 Specialized, page 207 The Cypher System uses a twenty-sided die A skill is a category of knowledge, ability, or(1d20) to determine the results of most actions. Download Cypher System Rulebook.pdf Type: PDF Date: October 2019 Size: 17MB Author: Luiz Ricardo This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. human standard. 20 Your father is a high-ranking officer in the military with many connections. And the character types in chapter 5 are designed to If you like the Cypher System but dont be tailored and reshaped. They are broad categories ball accurately. Nimble, fast, or sneaky of as Intellect/Personality a character. You are Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the trained in Intellect defense tasks having to do following list of options, choose how you became with losing your sanity or equanimity. Printed in CanadaTABLE OF CONTENTSTHE CYPHER SYSTEM 4 PART 3: GENRES 251 Chapter 1: WORLDS OF ADVENTURE 4 Chapter 13: FANTASY 252 Chapter 2: ANYTHING GOES 261 Chapter 3: HOW TO PLAY THE CYPHER SYSTEM 5 Chapter 14: MODERN 270 280PART 1: CHARACTERS 7 Chapter 15: SCIENCE FICTION 286 289 Chapter 4: CREATING YOUR CHARACTER Chapter 16: HORROR 295 Chapter 5: TYPE 302 Chapter 6: FLAVOR 13 Chapter 17: ROMANCE 307 Chapter 7: DESCRIPTOR Chapter 8: FOCUS 14 Chapter 18: SUPERHEROES 311 Chapter 9: ABILITIES 20 Chapter 19: POST-APOCALYPTIC Chapter 10: EQUIPMENT 34 Chapter 20: FAIRY TALE 312 38 Chapter 21: HISTORICAL 372PART 2: RULES 60 377 402 Chapter 11: RULES OF THE GAME 95 PART 4: GAME MASTERING Chapter 12: EXPERIENCE POINTS 443 201 Chapter 22: CREATURES Chapter 23: NPCs 444 446 205 Chapter 24: CYPHERS 447 206 Chapter 25: RUNNING THE CYPHER SYSTEM 237 PART 5: BACK MATTER INDEX CAMPAIGN DESIGN WORKSHEET CHARACTER SHEETChapter 1 WORLDS OF ADVENTURE Ultimately, what we all want is to play precisely material easier to use and easier to customize. This is in part due to the elegant, math-free simplicity of the system, and in part because of the players roll all the dice approach, which shares the mechanical burden with the players. from confrontations. Edge, are determined 5. For points from either your only one level of Effort to a roll. his blade. In 11 Spin Attack (185)addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier 11 Wild Vitality (198)abilities with a different one from a lower tier.11 Controlled Fall (122) EXPLORER EXAMPLE11 Experienced in Armor (136)11 Expert Cypher Use (137) Sam decides to create an Explorer character for11 Ignore the Pain (150) a science fiction campaign. while you were in disguise, recruiting you while believing you were someone else. Theand secrets to keep you amazed for several easily grasp concepts that others might struggle benefits (and perhapslifetimes. For each level of and has an Effort of 3, an Intellect Pool of 13, Effort you apply in this way, you inflict 3 additional and an Intellect Edge of 1. The Warrior can bear two cyphers. You are often tickled by a sense of knowing what Inability: You tend to fixate on the details, someone will say, how they will react, or howmaking you somewhat oblivious to whats events might unfold. A more experienced example, if you make an attack, you can apply Might Pool or your Speed character has a higher Effort score and can apply Effort to your attack roll and apply Effort to more levels of Effort to a roll. things, trip over your own feet, or knock things Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the (or people) over. Inability, page 207 Enterprise, page 245 Sam still needs a descriptor and a focus. Additional Equipment: Youve managed to CLUMSYtalk your way into some decent discounts andbonuses in recent weeks. This chapter offers a few more Science fiction: security officer, warrior, trooper, Predation, have highly specific names for each type that might be more soldier, merc specific types designed to appropriate to various genres. Learn how to play the Cypher System by watching the How to Play Numenera video below, or by checking out Geek & Sundrys Intro to the Cypher System video that uses examples from their supers show, Callisto 6! When you roll a natural 19 (the d20 shows can use, see Chapter 19) and the roll is a success, you also have a 10: Equipment.Light weapons inflict only 2 points of damage, minor effect. There is reward involved, and you need the money.46DescriptorGUARDED You gain the following characteristics: Damage track, page 218 Mighty: +4 to your Might Pool.You conceal your true nature behind a mask and Fast Healer: You halve the time it takes toare loath to let anyone see who you really are. 17 People you meet seem put off by the strange birthmark on your face. A bow has long range. The cypher is solved. If you want to capture Think of this book as a chest of toys. Youthat distance would require a long or very long dont earn XP for killing foes or overcomingmove. You idea of what youre truly like. 2. This is enough to buy you some time for a better solution, alleviate a complication that was interfering with your abilities, or just get you one more use out of a depleted cypher or artifact. information in a more direct way, feeling a Pleasant social interactions are hindered. 4 You trained with a highly respected mentor. Short the GM introduces a new complication into the distance is nearby. Learn more about what Genius: You have an Intellect Edge of 1, a 11 Distortion (130) you carry and how its used 11 Erase Memories (136) in Chapter 10: Equipment.Might Edge of 0, and a Speed Edge of 0. You bullied your way in with intimidation from giddy happiness to bitter sorrow with little and bluster. Science fiction: psion, psionicist, telepath, It might actually seeker, master, scanner, ESPer, abomination Societal Role: In settings where the be an expression of supernatural is rare, strange, or feared, Adepts technological devices, Superhero/Post-Apocalyptic: mage, sorcerer, are likely rare and feared as well. 12 You served as a guard for someone who traveled extensively. But let me reiterate: we havent changed the Those dreams of playing exactly what you want way the game works. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From thefollowing list of options, choose how you becameinvolved in the first adventure. When you roll a natural 20 (the d20 shows 20) and the roll is a success, you also haveHeavy weapons inflict 6 points of damage, a major effect. as history or geology. 3. His character is not particularly smart or and asks the GM if he could use it in his leftcharismatic. If your Armor reduces the damage from an attack to 0, you If theres no roll, theres no chance for failure. A creative life is often one beset with harms way. Usually defined at the beginning byvillains or opponents. Thisis not a zero to hero progression, but rather an Extra Effort: Your Effort score increases by 1.instance of competent people refining and honingtheir capabilities and knowledge. chooses a baseball bat that hell use in a pinch.He puts 3 of his additional points into his Might He keeps it in the trunk of his car.Pool and 3 into his Speed Pool; his stat Poolsare now Might 13, Speed 13, and Intellect 8. Fortunately, creation or adapted from something elseis most of the material is made to be changed yours to do with as you will. different one from a lower tier. Its a straightforward combat, although they often wield catch-all for the kinds Fantasy/Fairy tale: wizard, mage, sorcerer, cleric, abilities that provide excellent combat support, of wondrous, possibly druid, seer, diabolist, fey-touched both offensively and defensively. Combat and action are not a Speakers strong suits, so other characters sometimes have to defend the Speaker in times of danger. Because you easily helps you, or it hurts your enemies. Game masters The brand-new content, like the character arc all have a perfect setting in the back of their system, the crafting system, the additional genre brain. But mostly, that chapter will tell you the same thing that youre reading now: its your game to do with as you will.6How to Play the Cypher System Chapter 3HOW TO PLAY THE CYPHER SYSTEMThe rules of the Cypher System are quite which assumes its eased by one step). 3. 4. This aptitude doesnt necessarily mean that drawbacks) that comecall to explore the wreckage of past civilizations, youve had years of formal education, but you have from your descriptorto discover new peoples, new places, and learned a great deal in your life, primarily because will eventually bewhatever bizarre wonders you might find along you pick things up quickly and retain so much. Most likely, youre physically Skill: Youre trained in all interactions involving descriptor has enoughattractive or at least highly charismatic, and lies or trickery. You had a piece of information that the Maybe you have a notebook where you write (probably earning them other PCs needed to make their plans. You might Your settingwhether its your original have to tweak things here and there. Might intelligence, wisdom, charisma, education, isnt relative to size; instead, its an absolute reasoning, wit, willpower, and charm. In fact, others might see you aspersonable, friendly, and even helpful. You Skill: You are trained in pleasant social join the other PCs because they offer a way out of interactions. Characters will find new cyphers frequently in the course of play, so players shouldnt hesitate to use their cypher abilities. Cypher System Rules Primer This includes deception, if the shames you, your cowardly nature proves to deception involves a narrative youre able to tell. 6 You served in the military with honor. 2. Or you may receive Inability: People dont like or trust you. We say experience because in many ways, thats what a genre is. Angewandte Kryptographie - Bruce Schneier 2006 The Woman All Spies Fear - Amy Butler Greenfield 2021-10-26 An inspiring true story, perfect for fans of Hidden Figures, about an American woman who pioneered Skill: You are trained in all Intellect defense 2. While skulking about, you overheard the While others might take time to study the items other PCs plans and realized you wanted in. He decides that the character gives Ray an extra medium or heavy weapon. 6 You owe money to a number of people and dont have the funds to pay your debts. The Cypher System Rulebook releases in early August, but you can reserve your copy nowand get a great deal! Sometimes one adventure can be accomplished in aGame master (GM): The player who doesnt run a session. The Cypher System is the critically acclaimed, award-winning rules set that drives Numenera and The Strange, and easily adapts to an unlimited range of genres with a game engine thats fast, narrative-focused, and super easy to prep for and GM. The locals remember you as a dangerous and foolhardy individual. abilities with a different one from a lower tier. Not all of a descriptors offerings are help you, and want to be your friend. Her Adept is smart and quick. among your stat Pools. You 41Descriptors like Craven, and the GM should work together to determine 1. If you have a weaknessknowledge and puzzle tasks, but then she realizes of 1 in Speed, all Speed actions that requirethat the flaw fits her character wellshes better you to spend points cost 1 additional pointat getting people to tell her what she needs to from your Pool. Thus, applying Effort to the roll costs only 1 point to a Might attack roll and to your damage, you from your Speed Pool. Cypher System Rulebook.pdf Uploaded by: Luiz Ricardo October 2019 PDF Bookmark This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. When youtraveled to a settlement, the PCs were theonly ones who believed you, and they haveaccompanied you to help you deal with theproblem. something can do is to use it. Youve never met the culprit, but youd certainly like to.SPEAKER PLAYER INTRUSIONS SPEAKER STAT POOLSWhen playing a Speaker, you can spend 1 XP Stat Pool Starting Valueto use one of the following player intrusions,provided the situation is appropriate and the GM Might 8agrees. 11 Terrifying Presence (190) addition, you can replace one of your lower-tier 11 Understanding (194) abilities with a different one from a lower tier. Your cruel streak mayderive from bitterness brought about by yourown struggles and disappointments. EFFORT AND DAMAGE Another character is attempting to convince a guard to let them into a private office to speak Instead of applying Effort to ease your attack, to an influential noble. Fear gnaws at your heart, chewing away at your mind, driving you to distraction until You gain the following characteristics: you cannot bear it. Someone called you out, but instead of Inability: While you are alone, all Intellect and walking into a fight, you walked into your currentSpeed tasks are hindered. Task Difficulty Description 3 Most people can do this most of the time. 4. down ideas so you can develop them later. DES stands for Data Encryption Standard. Theyre worth the extra work. If you are trained in a skill relating to a task, Each difficulty has a target number associated you ease the difficulty of that task by one step. For example, a leather thus negate the need for a roll. Advancing to Skills: You become trained in one skill of yourhigher tiers is not really the goal of Cypher System choice, other than attacks or defense. Another PC recruited you while you were on your best behavior, before realizing how chaotic you were. It means that there, practically next to the character. 19 You saved the lives of a family when their house burned down. Combat flavor makes a character more martial. Cypher System Rulebook*OP Hardcover - August 5, 2015 by Monte Cook Games (Author) 93 ratings Hardcover $83.10 15 Used from $38.68 1 New from $83.10 Brand New in Factory Packaging. as a bumbling moron dont fret about what tomorrow might bring. descriptor will remainenough to see everything you want to see and do Skill: Youre trained in all actions that involve at least somewhateverything you want to do. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask a question in the comment section down below. helps round her outshes good in all kinds of 11 Absorb Energy (108) situations. Smart: +4 to your Intellect Pool. experience youre after.You have all the freedom in the world (manyworlds, actually). Think of the PCs as the main characters inthe story. They regard you well, but they have many enemies. CHARACTER DESCRIPTOR, (chapter 6) to slightly The skill you choose for this benefit can be TYPE, AND FOCUSmodify character types anything you wish, such as climbing, jumping, persuading, or sneaking. They can be used inability comes from another source (such as aby the GM to tailor a type to better fit the genre descriptor or a disease or disability arising fromor setting, or by a player and a GM to tweak a actions or conditions in the game).character to fit a concept.MODIFYING TYPE ASPECTSThe following aspects of the four character typescan be modified at character creation. They Some special abilities allow you to perform a genres, not all of thealso want to increase the damage from the attack familiar actionone that you can already doin descriptors, types, andby using a level of Effort, which costs 3 Intellect a different way. It does matter if the (such as where the kidnappers are keeping theircultist is more than 50 feet (15 m) away because victim or how the PCs repair the starship). 19 You are in a close romantic relationship with someone in local politics.20 Someone out there tries to pose as you, using your identity, often for nefarious ends. In fact, you enjoy sowing surprises, just to see what will happen. characteristics, which are typically called Speed governs such divergent actions as dodging punishment you can take. The full description for each listedgroups of foes by themselves or stand toe to toe ability can be found in chapter 9, which also haswith anyone. player intrusion just happens. 8 You were conscripted into military service, but you deserted before long. anything that attacks your mind. 11 Regeneration (175) 11 Basic Follower (112) 11 Skill With Attacks (183) are page numbers 11 Calm Stranger (118) 11 Stimulate (186) for easy reference. You might have accomplish tasks more rapidly than others can.committed a heinous crime, something so awful Youre not just quick on your feet, howeverthat your people forced you out, and if you dare youre quick with your hands, and you think andreturn, you face death. Intellect measurement. You and your friend share discoveries and secrets readily. They remain channeling spirits, power-wielder, master, psion, telepath hidden, shadowy figures. THIRD-TIER MAGIC ABILITIES An Explorer flavored with magic might be 11 Distance Viewing (130) a wizard-hunter, and a Speaker with magical 11 Fire Bloom (140) flavor might be a sorcerer-bard. All the while, the GM is focused on running imaginative encounters, spinning great adventures, and building vivid and memorable campaigns! abilities that grant skills,11 Mastery in Armor (161) which can usually be11 Mastery With Attacks (161) Speed defense: Used for dodging attacks taken multiple times.11 Mastery With Defense (161) and escaping danger. following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure.42CRUEL 3. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. have a Speed Edge of 3 and you apply one level The PC stabs their spear at the rat, which is a of Effort to a Speed roll, it costs you 0 points level 2 creature and thus has a target number from your Speed Pool. the mightiest rat, which has more Might than the Characters interested in communicating effectively, mightiest spider. Your former comrades dont understand you, but they respect you. 15 An experiment you conducted in the past went horribly awry. Choose two of the abilities listed below (or Some Speaker abilities, Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities listed from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. your character is. Outside of combat, a immediate distance but less than 50 feet (15 m) major effect means that something beneficial or so. The player rolls a d20 and exploration, as well as achieving personal goals. (Normally, applying of 6. 5 Challenging 21 Impossible without skills or great effort. They can talk their way out of danger and even use their words as weapons.30TypeSPEAKER BACKGROUND CONNECTIONYour type helps determine the connection you have to the setting. Higher-tier Adepts can devices, depending on the setting. Your focus also helps you understand how you relate with the other player characters in your group. You're quick-witted, thinking well on your feet. Whether a negative qualitythrough seemingly supernatural means or just You gain the following characteristics: like Clumsy, but ina way with words, you can convince others to Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool. You suspect that you might gain a long-termadvantage from helping the other PCs andmay be able to use that advantage against yourenemies. The innovations youll find March 2019 in these pagesthe way all the abilities have been cataloged so you can use them however you need, the focus on subtle cyphers, the breadth of the genres presentedmake this4Anything Goes Chapter 2ANYTHING GOESFor just a moment, were talking directly to Speaking of worlds, you get to decide what Part 3: Genres, page 251 the game masters out there. Theres no roll, theres no chance for failure or and asks the introduces... Experiment you conducted in the first adventure Impossible without skills or great Effort are not Speakers! You became involved in the past went horribly awry one time, although the is... 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