Want to add your business to the map? Spam? After that it transitions into a fast singletrack with an occasional little jump or drop. Visitors age 16 or under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Click here for more info. Now, for reasons unknown, sightings of an unusual reptilian figure have been widely reported. Those wanting more challenge could take intermediate options like Schoolhouse or Arrowhead. Enjoy the tall pines, Cove views, and flat terrain of the Enchanted Forest Trail before rejoining Happy Valley and heading 5 miles back to the parking area. 2,451 Sq. It crosses under a large powerline, crests the ridge, and then is a steady downhill to the Boat Landing parking lot. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Create Recommended Route or Great Trail especially given its close proximity to Roanoke. Happy Valley from this end connects to numerous intermediate lower trails, as well as to Brushy Mountain Fire Road and the 1000 climb. The closest Cove trails are Buck and Trough. Hotel (#16), close to the parking lot, is a causeway type trail, weaving around, over and through the creek. For more information about certain restrictions concerning reservoir use and hours of operation, please contact the Western Virginia Water Authority at 540-362-1757. Click here for more info. Fun trail ridden in either direction. Being a jerk / offensive? Great scenic day hike, and love how easy it is to get to. Fun downup not so much Please do not park your car in the boat dock parking lot if you plan to stay in Carvins Cove after dark. Widgets, Explore 534.1 m Up Muddy between the parking lot and climb up. . 8.4 km Fun trail ridden in either direction. 55.9 km Once you hit the ridge, there are great views for the remaining two miles to Hay Rock, but the footing is tricky and is slower going than the ascent. Once reaching the intersection with Happy Valley a mile and a half later, continue straight onto Little Bell Trail for mile before crossing Happy Valley once again to continue on the Enchanted Forest Trail. 1,293' Up Dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash. 1,411' Down Spam? This portion. Photo source: Western Virginia Water Authority. For the safety of our visitors, personal drone use is prohibited within the Carvins Cove Natural Reserve. The terrain is steep and technical obstacles will be encountered. Lakeside (31) is generally a contour trail, climbing in and out of multiple drainages, to Hemlock Tunnel. Half way thru the rain started and did not let up rest of ride. Very muddy the first mile or so. This is about an injury or accident 1,282' Up A bit challenging going up and the stairs but the view is so worth it at Hay Rock and out over the Reservoir. Carvins Cove Natural Reserve Photos(65) Directions Print/PDF map Share More Length17.4 kmElevation gain292 mRoute typeOut & Back Explore this 17.4-km out-and-back trail near Daleville, Virginia. 2023 Pathfinders for Greenways Trails are in a 13,000 acre watershed owned by the City of Roanoke and maintained by various mountain bikers, equestrians and hikers.Expect to see deer, wild turkeys, even black bear and rattle snakes. Grab a day's pass at Carvins Cove Reserve and 12,700 acres of trails and wilderness are yours to explore. The lower sections are moderate, with several drainage crossings, but the final climb is steep and rutted, challenging the toughest riders. The switchbacks were fun and the steepness was exhilarating! Terrain will be steeper and narrower. Rattlin Runis a climbing, contour trail that connects the Bennett Springs Loop to Songbird. Being a jerk / offensive? Nothing difficult here, just a 16-mile round trip from one end to the other. This is an easy, unpaved road, a major connector, intersecting many trails along the way. NOT OKAY! The Trough, Brushy Mountain Fire Road, and The Gauntlet Loop, Appalachian Trail: Daleville to Andy Layne, Appalachian Trail: Troutville to Black Horse Gap, Appalachian Trail: Curry Gap to Black Horse Gap, Tinker Mountain, McAfee Knob and Catawba Mountain, Appalachian Trail: Curry Gap to Daleville, Carvins Cove: Hi-Dee Ho to the Gauntlet and the Horse Pen Loop, Four Gorges to Lakeside to The Gauntlet to Hi-Dee-Hoe Loop, Four Gorges, Tuck-A-Way, Songbird, and Rattlin' Run Loop. Please consider this next time you comment on a trail. 170.02 m Up Nice trail, but we got rained on! SOLD FEB 15, 2023. This gravel trail follows the shores of the crescent shaped cove and is a beautiful place for taking photos or hiking with little ones. Hinchee Trail provides a two mile steady climb from Hanging Rock Battlefield Trail to Brushy Mountain Fire Road. 1h 11m Moderate 4.4 (128) The Trough, Brushy Mountain Fire Road, and The Gauntlet Loop Carvins Cove Natural Reserve Length: 6.6 mi Est. Happy valley and Carvins Cove Dip your pedal into the sport of mountain biking and the beauty of Carvins Cove Natural Reserve on this 12.5 mile ride on beginner friendly trails. The City of Roanoke retained ownership of the land, making Carvins Cove the second largest municipally-owned park in the United States. There are roughly 60 miles of mountain biking, hiking and equestrian trails, including cross country single track, free-ride downhill trails, and extensive gravel fire roads. It has one of the most picturesque and unique views in the Bay Area. 454.3 km Hidden hike, coveted campsite where the Golden Gate . In 1746, a Welsh man named William Carvin received a land grant of 150 acres just outside of Roanoke. Address: Carvins Cove Reservoir, Virginia, USA Hotel, close to the parking lot, is a causeway type trail, weaving around, over and through the creek. Check out this 7.7-mile out-and-back trail near Daleville, Virginia. Check out this 12.4-km out-and-back trail near Daleville, Virginia. 357.81 m Down, 4.9 mi Happy riding! This mountain bike primary trail. There are 13 trails in Carvins Cove Natural Reserve. There is some nice scenery along the way with mountain views, lake views, and plenty of wildlife. Trail. Baths. By the way singletrack is being added constantly and is now approaching 45-50 miles of varied styles for most skill levels. Light traffic in the morning and the trail was in good condition. Roanoke, VA 24011. Beautiful fall day. Local non-profit volunteer groups that offer continuous help and support on Roanokes trails include Pathfinders for Greenways, BROC, and Blue Ridge Gravity. 429.91 m Up But cool hike, had a little bit of everything which is always nice. Although Carvins Cove Natural Reserve is a public recreational resource, it is also home to the regions primary water source. It is easy, with connections to intermediate and advanced trails. MTB Podcast | Couple creek crossings but normally not a problem. Probably wouldnt do this again unless I get to hike the AT but glad I did it. By 1947, the reservoir was completed and the filtration plant was put into operation, treating up to six million gallons of water daily. There are almost 60 miles of trails in Carvins Cove that range from easy to strenuous with varying lengths. An Adventure Projects staff member will review this and take an appropriate action, but we generally don't reply. How many trails are in Carvins Cove Natural Reserve? It continues on up, down and around til it reaches Hinchee Trail on the far end. Located just seven miles from the north side of Roanoke, Carvins Cove Natural Reserve contains more than 12,000 acres of both hardwood and mixed pine forests, a 630-acre reservoir, and 60 miles of trails for hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. Head to the Boat Dock Parking Lot if you want to access the water and trails on the Hollins side of Carvins Cove. Hike Trails Map. They are steep, rocky, and rough. This trail is not recommended for horses, due to slippery rock faces. 354.24 m Up Brushy Mountain Fire Road is the second arterial road through the Cove. Very peaceful and scenic. Box 8553 | Roanoke, VA 24014 The fire road connects all of the lower bike trails at Carvins Cove. Taking other people's content (text, photos, etc) without permission is a copyright violation and Happy Valley is the fire road that connects all the lower trails in the Carvins Cove trail system. 1,316' Down This is a very nice trail that makes me want a dropper post! Terms | Privacy. 1,242' Up Turn right onto Happy Valley Fire Road Regardless of the direction you are coming from, the above is about 8 minutes away from the Reservoir. Expert trails include Hi-De-Ho, the Gauntlet, the Trough, the Comet,Clownshead and Stickman. Lot 50 Spyglass Ln, Huddleston, VA 24104. For more hidden natural gems, be sure to read about This Little-Known Oasis Hiding In Virginia. The Roanoke Valley Loop explores a large area west of the City of Roanoke, with northern sites in southern Botetourt County and southern sites dropping southward towards Floyd County. There is some nice scenery along the way with mountain views, lake views, and plenty of wildlife. Enjoy this hike and the look off at the top but I dont like walking under the power lines. Pulte Homes. If you want to scale that thing, you best have some serious guts and rock-climbing skills. Roanoke County | City of Roanoke | City of Salem | Town of Vinton | Botetourt County. Bit muddy at the bottom but otherwise a great trail. Bennett Springs Loop is a one mile, easy loop, directly across the road from the parking lot. $335,000 Last Sold Price. Beautiful trail with easy & intermediate climbing. Many users choose to ride this trail going down rather than up. Carvins Cove Natural Reserve is one of the main reasons why Roanoke, Virginia, has been deemed the Mountain Bike Capital of the East. Want to report conditions for this trail? Please do not give bad ratings based on personal difficulty experience. Carvins Cove Natural Reserve has three parking lot entrances: the Boat Dock, Bennett Springs, and Timberview. Local Trail Association Blue Ridge Off-Road Cyclists Please consider joining or donating to the local trail association to support route. 6.8 km About Us | Going up at the beginning is on the easier side, it levels out around the 2nd mile and then flattens out mostly at the top! Didnt see anyone until heading back. These are excellent trails, well marked. Starting at the Hinchee Trail/Hanging Rock Battlefield Trail parking area, climb up the 2.1 mile Hinchee Trail through Hinchee Park before continuing onto the Brushy . $255,000 Last Sold Price. Local store Just the Right Gear provided friendly, affordable, fast repair post-ride. 3,256' Up Muddy when wet, beautiful views! These include Songbird (#9), Arrowhead (#10), Tuck-a-way (#20), Four Gorge Extension (#25), Comet (#3), Kerncliff (#6). Happy Valley is the fire road that connects all the lower trails in the Carvins Cove trail system. Short twisty hill with a short ride through the most peaceful pine trees in Virginia! Your FREE account works with all Adventure Projects sites. Few water crossings but normal conditions easily done. 386.41 m Down, 2.9 mi No horses on Royalty. Trough (#14) is an intermediate, steady climb from Horsepen to Brushy Mountain Fire Road. Bennett Springs parking area is the largest and most heavily used parking lot for trail users. This mapped route will give you a good overview of the trail system. This trail is estimated to be 38.4 mi long. Want to add your business to the map? Roanoke County | City of Roanoke | City of Salem | Town of Vinton | Botetourt County. Local Club: Blue Ridge Off-Road Cyclists, Land Manager: Roanoke Parks and Recreation, 9.9 mi A nice, accessible, if suburban, section of the Appalachian Trail. 1947 Cove Trl, Winter Park, FL 32789 is a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1,782 sqft townhouse built in 2023. A land use pass is required to use the trails at the Cove and can be purchased online, at the boat landing or at trailhead parking lots. The smaller of the two is open to all guests during park hours. This place is amazing. You may need to bring a 2nd set of lungs for the climb though! Learn about upcoming adventures, events and activities in Roanoke! (9644 Reservoir Road) and Hollins Trailhead (8375 Plantation Road). Over 30 miles of trails are available for hiking, running, horseback riding, and mountain biking ranging from beginner trails like the Happy Valley trail to more difficult trails like the Hi-Dee-Ho trail and the Gauntlet. There are over 60 miles of trails at Carvins Cove. This road is open to cars and all users should be very cautious of traffic. Happy Valley from this end connects to numerous intermediate lower trails, as well as to Brushy Mountain Fire Road and the 1000 climb. 272.94 m Up 272.42 m Down, 282.3 mi Please explain. Not your typical ridge line hike because it is closer to civilization but definitely worth doing. Print/PDF map. Starting on the back side of Hollins University campus, this intermediate trail starts with steady climbing, first through pines and then hardwoods. 1. Owned by the City of Roanoke, all of Carvins Coves trails are planned and managed by Roanoke Parks and Recreation, but predominantly built and maintained by volunteers. Support the Greenways during Roanoke Gives. There are great views of the reservoir in winter and opportunity for bear sightings. Downsides are you can hear the noise from the interstate the whole hike. Awesome hike! It provides remoteness and occasional views of the reservoir. Trails are open 6 am to 11 pm, but the boat landing area and Hollins trailhead are open only dawn to dusk. Copyright 2023 Roanoke Parks And Recreation, All rights reserved. Better do a brake check at top. In 2004, the Western Virginia Water Authority was formed and designated as the regions water and wastewater service provider. 49.14 m Down, 4.2 mi When the Cove officially became a park in Nov. 2001 author Dick Howard got. NOT OKAY! 14.2 km From that point the trails were a mess so we took it slow. Roanoke Valley Greenways is a partnership among the five local governments, the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, and non-profit Pathfinders for Greenways. It twists and winds through multiple drainages with only moderate elevation gains. trails were a little muddy in spots at the start of the ride. Like an impressionist painting. Nothing difficult here, just a 16-mile round trip from one end to the other. Follow about 3 miles before connecting with the Schoolhouse Trail, the first singletrack of the ride. It starts just inside the gate where Carvins Cove Road hits Happy Valley (#1) and climbs steadily to reach an upper ridge. 2.Carvin's Cove Road off of HWY 311 near Salem, VA.Go to end of Carvin's Cove raod, new parking lot being constructed for trail users. Holidays at the Historic Fishburn Mansion. Office, 34.8 mi 1771.62 m Down, 18.1 mi It continues on up, down and around til it reaches Hinchee Trail on the far end. Starting on the back side of Hollins University campus, this intermediate trail starts with steady climbing, first through pines and then hardwoods. The daily fee has increased from $2/day up to $7/day. 49.04 m Up Carvins Cove Road to Happy Valley (#1) Carvins Cove Road provides a one mile, paved route to Happy Valley Trail. 5,812' Up Happy Valley Trail. Nice scenery along the way with mountain views, lake views, and plenty of wildlife. 400.97 m Down, 41.0 mi 408.53 m Up Roanoke Valley Greenways is a partnership among the five local governments, the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, and non-profit Pathfinders for Greenways. This is about an injury or accident Carvins Cove Road provides a one mile, paved route to Happy Valley Trail. Horsepen Trail (#18) is an old road, generally running downhill to the reservoir. 3.4 km Want to help out? Comet is one of the Lower Trails, the first single track trail you reach after passing into the Cove from the gate at Carvins Cove Road. Safety education is recommended before engaging in paddling activities at Carvins Cove. 3h 5m Moderate 4 (158) Hinchee Park Trail Carvins Cove Road provides a one mile, paved route to Happy Valley Trail. Creature From Carvins Cove XCM. 894' Down The reservoirs water is treated and 10-million gallons of water is filtered each day for customers of the Western Virginia Water Authority, who manages the Coves boat dock and reservoir access. 393.55 m Down, 4.9 mi 401.47 m Up Lots of loose rock which is not my favorite for hiking. Ft. Frozen trail in the morning -> squishy mud trail in the afternoon. If so, then head to Daleville, VA and go south on the A.T. for view after view of the Carvin Cove Reservoir below and mountains beyond. Those alone make the hike worthwhile. Trail. $30,500 Last Sold Price. SOLD FEB 17, 2023. 29.1 km Box 8553 | Roanoke, VA 24014 Jacobs Drop (# 5), Hemlock Tunnel (#7), Gauntlet (#13), Hi-Dee-Hoe (#17), Royalty (#28), Trough (#14) and Buck (#15) are advanced trails that generally run downhill from the Brushy Mountain Fire Road. Description. Turned back due to darkness and poor preparation That treatment facility has since been updated and expanded, increasing the capacity to 28 million gallons per day. It goes from Happy Valley to Tuck-A-Way and is generally a rolling, easy trail with a few drainage crossings. The terrain is steep and difficult obstacles will be encountered. Moderately steep. Make sure to bring water and your camera! The boat dock parking lot closes at dark and is locked overnight, so please do not park your car here if you plan to stayin the park after dark. This is an easy, unpaved road, a major connector, intersecting many trails along the way. The first section of the trail can be muddy, but there is evidence of ongoing trail maintenance to remedy this. It really has it all, Trails with flow, bike park trails, climbing efforts, traverses reasonably easy to navigate. Don't be dissuaded by the diamond ratings if you are a strong climber; rock/ root skill level was only beginner/intermediate. Visitors can bring their own kayaks or canoes, but they're also available for rent, along with paddleboats, on site. Click here for more info. 754.49 m Up The climb is great. Happy Valley is the fire road that connects all the lower trails in the Carvins Cove trail system. 558' Up 9644 Reservoir Rd, Roanoke, VA 24019, United States, Parks and Recreation Main Office: 540-853-2236 or Carvins Cove Boat Landing Office: 540-362-1757. Feel free to share your experiences there or at any other natural wonders in Virginia. Roanokes Carvins Cove is a vital piece of Virginias green infrastructure and also a source of fresh water. 1,174' Down Still a beautiful trail every time I hike it. SOLD MAR 20, 2023. From there, you'll cross over the Happy Valley trail on your way to Tuck-A-Way via the Enchanted Forest West connector. Trail parking is easy. 65.9 km Rules and user fees help provide recreational opportunities for visitors while still maintaining the safest, highest quality drinking water possible. For details and reservations, please see our. Flowy and gorgeous! 1771.54 m Up Carvins Cove - Happy Valley Fire Road | Roanoke View this post on Instagram A post shared by Constantinos Dimitri Farmakis (@cdfarmakis) At about 16 miles from one end to the other and back, this is an easy, rolling ride that includes beautiful scenery along the way. Office Shared By: Tim K Full Details Trail Ratings 5.0 from 3 votes Please explain. 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