Also, this spell is a MUST for when you use Cannonball. It can do a lot of damage, I used it with CA and 4 enchainment merits and it did 1.4k with maxed HP to a too weak colibri in east ronfaure [S]), but it takes you down to 1 HP. You can also get this from the boss of the Coil of Bahamut, Turn 1, Caduceus. As mentioned before, Blue Mage gets a massive bonus to experience from defeating enemies in the open world (outside of FATEs and duties). You may have this early on, but again, you probably won't use any killer trait much. Cannot use when bound. See the notes for that spell if you want to try it. We know terror touch inflicts a 15% attack down effect. The Blue Magic Spellbook displays all learned blue magic spells for blue mages. However, it isn't that useful, since your sword damage isn't as good as say a WAR's dual wielding axe with rampage, or any higher level G-Axe skill. lvl 58 - Light of Penance - Magical - Reduces TP with Additional Effect: Blind and Bind (Light) - This sounds useful, but it really isn't since there's no way of telling how much TP you're removing from the target, it isn't as strong as the full TP wipe that the Tonberry get when they use it. As a result, a number of spells that used to be available from dungeon bosses are NOT any more. Creates the Auto-Regen job trait with other spells. Cannonball uses defense and VIT, as well as STR as modifiers, so it requires a specialized build. lvl 48 - Refueling - Magical - Self-Haste (Wind) - This spell gives you about 10% haste, with a fast cast time, and fairly fast recast. Also, DEX gives you accuracy which brings us to the next big point: physical spells are dependent on main hand accuracy. Shares a recast timer with Feather Rain. However, this is only a single hit attack. lvl 24 - Soporific Magical AoE Darkness based Sleep Similar to sheep song, this puts all enemies in the AoE to sleep. Makes fast cast with sub-zero smash or bad breath. Grants the effect of Waxing Nocturne, increasing damage dealt by 50% and movement speed by 30%. Mob MP is inconsequential in most cases, they're not going to run out of it, and mobs gain TP rather fast, especially with direct damage blue magic giving 10 TP a HIT (more for multi-hit spells), and everyone swinging their weapons and casting nukes, the mob is going to get +100% TP rather fast even if you're draining 3 TP every three seconds. Harry Shepherd Former PCGN guides writer and purveyor of puns. ), come from different enemy types (aquan, beasts, demons, etc. It's modified by magic attack bonus and MND. What was SE thinking? Shares a recast timer with Shock Strike. Its the single most MP expensive player spell around, more than even Thundaga III (322 MP). You can get it at the same time as Devour (75), Loom (7), and Eerie Soundwave (75) in one synced run of this dungeon if you want. . You can also get this from Valefor in Labyrinth of the Ancients. LEAVES! lvl 50 - Frightful Roar - Magical - AoE Defense down (Wind) - This spell ranks among the more useful spells. You can learn this spell from Trickster Imp in Central Shroud. It's a great spell for your regular rotation of non-CA/Efflux spells. lvl 94 - White Wind - Magical - 145 MP - Puk (Dragon) - Heals party members in the AoE (Wind). Some enemies have resistance to some damage types (slimes are resistant to physical damage), while some are weak against others (pots are weak against blunt damage). The Thieving Namazu in the Rice and Shine FATE in this zone also drop it. The following spells can be used with Diffusion: Plenilune Embrace, Magic Fruit, and Wild Carrot do not work with Diffusion because they aren't self-targeting spells, they can target party members. Mobs that are completely immune to stun can't be stunned by head butt (such as many high level NMs, NM bosses in campaign battle, etc.) If you get a link, or aggro, you can quickly pop off a pinecone bomb and run away or finish what you're fighting. Off-guard and Peculiar Light will stack vulnerabilities if both are placed on one target, but since they share a cooldown, this requires two Blue Mages. You might even need to sub a mage job to get more INT and magic attack bonus to do more damage with his magical blue spells (like Bomb Toss or Eyes of Me). Buff up with Occultation, haste, refresh, even stoneskin if you need to, pull a bunch of mobs you can comfortably kill, and spam subduction, kiting the mobs until they're dead. lvl 48 - Jettatura - Magical - Gaze attack, enemies in a fan shaped AoE are afflicted with Terror (Darkness) - This is a unique spell, in that it's the only player spell that gives the status effect terror. Continuum. In this sense, the Blue Mage is designed for solo play. Too bad not too many people do skillchains anymore. I tried a crashing thunder and a thunderbolt against rocs, both with burst affinity up, and the thunderbolt did more damage with the benefit of stunning for a good long time. lvl 84 - Auroral Drape - Magical - 51MP - Weeper - AoE Blind and Silence (Wind) - It blinds and silences the target, a nice two-for-one enfeeble. Deals lightning damage with a potency of 90 to all nearby enemies. Deals fire damage with a potency of 220 to all enemies at a designated location. The DEF down is not overwritten by DEF boost abilities, so it sticks over stuff like cocoon on crawlers, or a crabs' DEF bonus attack. This leads new players to believe that they need to hold TP to see a damage or accuracy bonus. If you're sleeping things(for example), you'll have this trait since you use yawn and magic fruit. Gives job trait Magic Defense Bonus on it's own. It's expensive in both MP and set points (4 points), is incredibly inaccurate, has a 60 second countdown, as opposed to the 10 count regular doom effect mobs give, and doesn't work against NMs. lvl 96 - Vapor Spray - Magical - 172 MP - Phaubo (Luminian) - Deals water breath damage in a cone AoE: additional effect: poison (Water). Or you can get this from the same dungeon run of Temple of the Fist that you get Rose of Destruction from. Anyway, combines with Acrid Stream to make the Double Attack trait. However, the strength of the spells varies widely, especially when compared to when a mob uses them, and when you cast them as a Blue Mage. Not a major priority. You won't use the spells this uses, but if you MUST have magic defense, set it. How do you know what stat to boost for what spell. It can last a decent time too, like two minutes when not resisted or broken prematurely. You only start out with a single spell, Water Cannon. lvl 20 - Claw Cyclone Physical Two-fold AoE (frontal cone) damage (Slashing) Not as strong as bludgeon, but still respectable. Costs 7 spell points. You can learn many spells from instanced content while level synced with a party. You can also get this off the Mudman, a rank A hunt found in Il Mheg. Also, it's best used when you have a bit of TP built up. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Recovers X HP over time. Set this. It hurts when Mamool Ja use it, but it's not a breath spell. This same person helped me out with getting it while unsynced in only 8 attempts. Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide See also: Blue Mage and list of blue mage actions When you defeat an enemy after it has used that spell, you have a chance of learning it. This spell is a bit more consistent in damage than Hysteric Barrage and Disseverment (since it has less hits). So does Rusalka, a Rank A hunt mark in The Tempest. Especially when you get actinic burst and plasma charge for a two spell, cheap refresh. If it can be cast fast enough, it COULD be a potential BLU tanking tool for reducing damage taken. This is a list of the elemental BLU spells placed in the correct order. It has a cheap set cost (2 set points), and creates the fast cast trait with other spells. These enemies can be found in the open world, dungeons, raids, trials, and the Masked Carnivale. In order to learn a spell from a mob, you must have aggro on that mob either by yourself, or by being partied with someone who does and. I'm not sure which boosts damage more for that, STR/VIT or the defense from. Shares a recast timer with Mountain Buster. Chance of successful attack is low. This is because the damage is proportionate to your current HP. lvl 63 - Spinal Cleave - Physical - Physical Damage (Slashing) - A physical DD spell that does one special thing, it ignores shadows (Utsusemi). With 15% haste AND refresh, it puts on par with RDMs for soloing some things, IMO. We can use chakrams for throwing, yes, but have no skill in them. This guide was created to explain which spells are the most useful, when to use certain spells, and so forth. At merit level, you can give the whole party a boost with the merit ability Diffusion, the whole party in range will get the accuracy and evasion bonus. lvl 08 - Metallic Body Magical Stoneskin This is a very useful spell, even at high levels. (Update reduced the amount per tick but increased the duration of the spell to make more total MP recovered). A single target nuke, very costly. Gives store TP trait on its own, and costs 6 spell points to set. Costs 6 spell points to set. Blue Mage is not a regular DPS class like any of the other jobs in the game, and it is instead a "limited job". Additional effect: Silence Available Level 99 Type Magical MP Cost 116 MP Cast Time 5 seconds . Plus it's got a very very fast recast time. But it doesn't overwrite Sleep II, Sleepga II or itself. If you can use it in Ballista, it could be cool. lvl 40 - Terror Touch - Physical - Damage (Blunt) and Additional Effect: Attack Down - It's useful only for the attack down effect, it has a long cast time for physical spells. It starts off rather low damage, but it gains in strength as you get higher level. Gives the Magic Attack Bonus trait alone when set. A short term crowd-control/interrupt/stun move. Is naturally weaker than Warrior's tier 1 trait. But if you set this, you can do it whenever you want, without spending money on bolts. lvl 97 - Tourbillion - Physical - 108 MP - Khimaira (Arcana) - Damage to enemies in an AoE: Additional Effect: Defense Down (Blunt) - Unbridled Knowledge - Another fun spell, does strong damage (when CA/Efflux are used) with STR and MND modifiers, as an AoE spell. I love fast cast. Some spells can only be learned via Totems, which you have to earn by hitting certain Blue Mage milestones. Damage is one-third of your current HP. lvl 04 - Sprout Smack Physical Damage (Blunt) and Additional Effect: Slow This spell does something neat, it gives the enemy the Slow status effect, around 15% Slow. Its worth having equipped for awhile. But it may not last the whole fight, and if there are any other mobs around you, if can aggro them too if they're in front of you. It can also be used for getting Conserve MP. Learned from the bee wildkeeper reive or bee in delve. Sushi is also an excellent food to eat, though early levels, it is better to eat Rice Dumplings, since the straight accuracy bonus will be better than the percentage increase you get from sushi, and itll increase your STR and attack as well (good for those sword hits). Gravity from subduction is more likely to hit. Thats where we come in, so below youll find out how to unlock all 49 Blue Mage spells in Final Fantasy XIV. lvl 88 - Occultation - Magical - 138 MP - Seether (Empty) - Creates multiple blink shadows (Wind)- It's like zephyr mantle, except it's dependent on magic skill (400 skill gets you 8 shadows). Both of these will stack with Moon Flute. This one is very strong when combined with Sneak Attack. The defense and attack down effect is -25%. Who would want to be on the receiving end of their own Disseverment? It affects the buffs, like Pyric Bulwark and Harden Shell's duration. It doesn't last very long though. Since Adoulin came out, elemental magic received a new stat: +Magic Damage. lvl 16 - Sheep Song Magical Light based Sleep This spell is very useful, even toward end game. They dont require any special equipment to cast to do damage (though you may want to slap on some extra HP equipment to get some extra damage from them). Has Distortion and Liquification skillchain properties, so it can supposedly make darkness with Requiescat, but it's not worth it, the damage isn't that strong. Can also get from Killer Bee type mobs in a couple of dungeons such as Sunken Temple of Qarn (Normal) and Neverreap (Divine Vespa). So, if youre struggling with the game, check out our Final Fantasy XIV new player guide youll be rolling EX raids in no time. Your party of melees and your mage will love you if you diffusion the party with it. It's especially effective with quadratic continuum. Very useful for a Unbridled Learning spell. lvl 44 - Mandibular Bite - Physical - Physical Damage (Slashing) - A very useful physical spell, it does good damage, costs less MP than Jet Stream, but the damage is on par with it. You can do decent damage by gearing up with mind equipment/spells and wielding a thunder staff. Your NIN tanks will love you for this spell. Deals earth damage to all enemies in a cone before you with a potency of 310 for the first enemy, 30% less for the second, 60% less for the third, and 70% less for all remaining enemies. When it comes to the Blue Mage limited job added as part of patch 4.5, A Requiem for Heroes, unlocking new moves works a little differently. Abyssea and Elemental Spells (Trigger Spells), Physical Spell Stat Modifiers and Accuracy, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You can also run this solo unsync on a level 70 Blue without much of a problem but you only have one chance each at the two spells here so synced is a better idea unless you just cant get a group. This is a very useful spell for your melee damage. The damage this spell does isn't considerable, but the paralysis can come in handy. Blue Magic is a general magic category available only to Blue Mages. Blue Mage is not a regular DPS class like any of the other jobs in the game, and it is instead a "limited job". lvl 48 - Sickle Slash -Physical - Critical Damage (Slashing) - Very powerful, can be alternated with Jet Stream and Mandibular Bite. That way, no one has to change elements in case a High Vulnerablity or Extreme Vulnerability happens to be a BLU spell. An unbridled learning spell. It might be a good time to start leveling your cooking skill. Chance of successful attack is low. You'll need to dedicate 8 spell slots to get this trait, and a LOT of spell points. The Damage-Over-Time effects of Song of Torment, Aetherial Spark, and Nightbloom all overwrite each other, so you can only have one up on your target at a time. It drops off the Coeurls in the first boss fight. Also here is a good link to show where and when to get your spells: Click here. You can also get this in the #24 Masked Carnivale fight Amazing Technicolor Pit Fiends from the Act Three boss, Epilogi. They should have made it a light sleep to replace yawn (which isn't as useful because of the gaze attack thing). Recast time is 1 minute and takes 3 spell points to set. ), NOTE: These mobs may no longer be present in Castrum after patch 6.1. Theyre as varied as the enemies that give us our spells. Shares a recast timer with Glass Dance. You set this spell because you want to sleep something. If it is a spell cast by a mob in the overworld, it is a percentage chance, though yes you do have to see it cast, which can be tricky since some mobs only cast things at low hp. Blue Magic Skill Required to Learn: 393+ Monster Level Zone Map Ungeweder The famous blue magic spell White Wind. However, some physical magic spells hit more than once. More like this:Grind away in thebest MMOson PC. Also available from a couple of Fates with Qiqirns in them. When I used it, I was getting around 20 HP back, less than pollen. Makes all those MP expensive spells from unbridled wisdom sometimes cheaper to cast. At merit level, it may be useful to use the merit ability Diffusion to give the whole party haste. It is a ranged spell, similar to Cannonball. Exuviation and Triumphant Roar are good hate gaining spells with diffusion, gaining more hate for each party member it hits. Setting two of these spells grants Gilfinder: Charged Whisker, Everyone's Grudge, Amorphic Spikes. You may use a high damage, single hit spell with sneak attack (like Death Scissors), then shed some of the hate by trick attacking someone else with Frenetic Rip. lvl 46 - Awful Eye - Magical - Gaze STR down (Water) - Very useful if you have a PLD tank, or if you're soloing. Use this always. lvl 84 - Osmosis - Magical - 47MP - Ameobean - Steals an enemy's HP and one beneficial status effect (Darkness) - 5 set points for this. You can use CA/Efflux to increase the damage, but it doesn't have good skillchain properties for self-SCs. You will need to learn this spell to gain access to the level 53 Class Quest Something Borrowed, Something Blue. Setting Fantod, with Sickle Slash or Tail Slap makes the Store TP job trait. Physical magic spells are going to be your main way of dealing damage (along with meleeing) most of the time. lvl 87 - Empty Thrash - Physical - 33 MP - Craver (Empty)- Does damage in an AoE, TP affects accuracy with chain affinity (Slashing damage) - Another physical AoE spell that might be suited for AoE type fights like the Blitzkrieg assault I've mentioned so much. Refueling is overridden by the white magic spell Haste. When combined with phalanx or barrier tusk, it can make a good defensive buff. Depending on your MP pool or set points, you may want to stick with magic fruit until you get a higher base MP (or if you need more important spells set). But it's a really useful JA. It is possible to solo job points in certain camps as a Blue Mage using the subduction mana-burn method. However, this boost is only +10 Magic Attack and +10 Magic Defense, while Memento Mori gives +20 Magic Attack, not to mention this spell has a longer cast time. When paired with gear, INT and Magic attack bonus atma in abyssea, you can push some good numbers, plus the MP cost doesn't matter so much anymore with refresh atma and MP boosts. lvl 58 - Flying Hip Press - Magical - AoE Wind Damage based on current HP - If you need another breath-like spell early on, here is one. It is affected by MND, and you need some magic attack bonus too. lvl 18 - Bludgeon Physical Three-fold damage (Blunt) This spell will be your basic, bread and butter attack for awhile. But if you don't have magic attack or magic damage, the damage will suffer. Great for Almace wielding BLUs. Well, if it's not resisted (which can be a problem sometimes, depending on your blue magic skill and level) the enemy is inflicted with -20 evasion. It can be useful for soloing, though it'll drain your MP fast. However, you'll want to equip this as soon as you can, because it can be used for auto-refresh. The ones with actual status effects on them? If it misses, you don't do damage with it, you won't stun the mob. Physical spells have their damage increased by base stat modifiers (STR, DEX, VIT, etc. The survey says no. It can be gained from many locations, but is probably easiest Solo from either Masked Carnivale . This increases your skillchain damage when you're using chain affinity and trying to skillchain, usually your self-skillchains (like Chant Du Cynge + Sinker Drill = Darkness). Light Sleep to replace yawn ( which is n't as useful because of the spell make... Trait with other spells damage will suffer Sell or Share My Personal.. Chakrams for throwing, yes, but it 's got a very very fast recast time is minute. You if you MUST have magic attack or magic damage, but the can! Enemy types ( aquan, beasts, demons, etc base stat and... 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